于君方教授40年教學願力之作,中文版上市! 2020年英文版出版,即獲歐美諸多學者讚許,並採用為教科書。☆ 專題涵蓋:經論介紹、佛菩薩信仰、節日儀式、宗派(天台、華嚴、禪宗、淨土)、性別研究、現代漢傳佛教等主題,包含新近研究資料。☆ 提供問題討論和延伸閱讀,輔助對章節主題的自我學習。☆ 跨越古今,層層剖析,為探索漢傳佛教思想與文化精華的精彩之作。「《漢傳佛教專題史》是2020年由夏威夷大學出版社出版的英文原著Chinese Buddhism: A Thematic History 的中譯本。正如英文原序的說明,這是一本教科書,對象是美國的大學生和一般讀者。美國有四千多所大學,幾乎都設有宗教系,「佛教」和「中國宗教」都是經常開設的課程。我在美國授課四十多年,一直渴望有一本專門介紹漢傳佛教的教科書。使人遺憾的是,雖然有不少關於佛教或中國宗教的教科書,但漢傳佛教通常只占一章,甚至只有全書的一小部分。因此我很早就發願,必須補上這個缺陷。值得欣慰的是,本書在出版之後,立刻得到許多同業學者的讚許,並且已經採用為教科書,嘉惠許多學子。根據我多年授課的經驗,我認為在有限的時間內,我們很難掌握漢傳佛教的全面,因此我決定採取九個專題來介紹漢傳佛教。國內雖有不少佛學學者專家,市面上也有很多介紹漢傳佛教的通史類書籍,或如隋唐佛教史、宋代佛教史等相關的佛教斷代史。但是因為本書的介紹方法和切入主題不同,並輔以照片增加內容的可讀性,我希望中譯本的讀者,仍然會有所收穫。」――于君方
Volume five of Studies on Humanistic Buddhism contains eight articles translated from Chinese, one article that was written in English, and four student papers. The theme of the articles is Humanistic Chan Buddhism, particularly Fo Guang Chan as developed by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The articles in this volume give us a taste of the flavor of Chan. We see that Chan is both prosaic and profound. Chan emphasizes the cultivation of wisdom through practice in everyday life.
An exceptional contribution to the teaching and study of Chinese thought, this anthology provides fifty-eight selections arranged chronologically in five main sections: Han Thought, Chinese Buddhism,
The Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order and Buddha’s Light International Association founded by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, two of the world’s largest Buddhist organizations, are dedicated to the spread of Humanistic Buddhism, a 21st century form of Buddhism aimed at bettering this world and human life by following the Buddha’s teachings. Throughout the past 50 years, tremendous progress has been made in the circles of Chinese-speaking communities, while steady efforts are made in rendering this vast amount of Buddhist corpus into English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and some twenty other languages.As said, “To learn a new language is take on a new culture, a new world.” Further difficulties arise when it comes to learning Buddhism in a new language, still a world that awaits the light of wisdom and experience to be shed. Any aspiring translator daring to take on this daunting task of translating Buddhist texts into their own language would no doubt appreciate as much help as they can obtain