超級銷售致富祕訣Secret of getting rich through super sales(中英文版)

超級銷售致富祕訣Secret of getting rich through super sales(中英文版)


:NT$ 600 元
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◎內容包含365 祕訣、圖樣和字樣範例三個單元,內容簡單易懂、輕鬆學習。
◎附常用英文單子索引,搭配365 祕訣,一天一則,強化職場銷售技巧。


One hope, one pursuit, a persistent, you who made tomorrow.
500 secret of this book will change your life, and let you more successful!

People are great because they are moved, people are great because they have love, people are great because they have dreams. Now, you only need 3 seconds to pick up this book, it will change your work, career, life, and get major dramatic changes.

★★★ 本書特色 ★★★
■潛能開發與人際關係訓練 Potential development and interpersonal relationship training
■推銷技巧與行銷開發訓練 Marketing skills and marketing development training
■市場開發與經營策略分析訓練 Market development and business strategy analysis training
■溝通技巧與團隊合作訓練 Communication skills and teamwork training
■產品技術與全球資訊分析訓練 Product technology and global information analysis training
■兒童潛能開發教育訓練 Education and training for children's potential development
■行銷決策規劃訓練 Marketing decision planning training

The province’s partner in the RO water dispensers industry. Lusong entrepreneurship. Provide the best entrepreneurial platform. The best entrepreneurial stage. Success is not a dream (every Saturday to hold an entrepreneurial briefing). We are at your service. Wealth is in sight. Success is in sight. High-quality Jingyi Enterprise. Looking forward to working with you to create a better future!

Produced by Jingyi Drinking Water Purifier Technology Enterprise Andy.John.Writer







超級講師 張世周



The essence of potential development is mental development. There are king-level development... first level... knowledge update. Second level... skill development third level... thinking innovation fourth level... concept change fifth level... potential development. Aweave Dreams. Learning new knowledge. Learning new skills. Innovating ideas. Even turning into a good attitude and lifestyle. It’s never too late. Too old. Too young. Or gender discomfort. Creating a good life is not easy. But it can bring Give you endless rewards. You can’t stop time. But you can stop negative pessimism. Start using your potential immediately. Get what you want. Get what you want to pursue.

Super Lecturer, Zhang Shizhou
May 30, 2020




超級行銷講師 徐錦坤


Author Order 1

I am engaged in drinking fountains. The water purifier business has been around for 30 years. Now it is the head of the Jingyifeng water machine rental franchise business team. Based on the current time and space environment, there are many changes. There are many people in the society. Or many young people. Or many middle-aged people. Want to switch career track. Specially designed to provide a good career. For everyone to have more career options. And the water dispenser. The technology and knowledge of the water purifier. The whole career transfer. Or the success of the whole counseling. Help the growth of personal career in the future. This is the original intention of this book. Because I am sure that I have sufficient product technology and sales knowledge. I will be able to create an unexpectedly large amount of wealth. Because I rent a business of water purification equipment for surcharge machines. I have also given this book for a long time. Renting a business team. Brings a lot of wealth. Therefore, taking into account the strong needs and needs of the current time and space environment changes, I specially wrote this book on the secret of super sales to get rich. For everyone to study. I wish you all the best. Make a fortune everywhere. Thank you.

Super lecturer, Xu Jinkun
Jing Yishuang water machine hired by the franchise team.
May 30, 2020.
... ... ...



超級行銷講師 徐錦坤


Author Order 2

Today’s society individuals want to start a business. Not so many opportunities than when the economy just took off. And it needs a lot of money. In view of this. And this book. Can help aspiring people. Turn your brain. Stimulate fighting spirit and potential. Let rely on dad. Ma Bao. House girl family. Can be self-reliant. Contribute to society. So provide this book. Let everyone study. Thank you for your support. I hope all readers who come into contact with this book. For health. economic. family. All help. Don’t forget to give back to the society. Say more words. Do more good deeds. Reached the state of narrative in the Datong Litong. thank you all. Thanks everyone.

Super Marketing Lecturer, Xu Jinkun Author
July 8, 2020


Author Order 1
Author Order 2

A.365祕訣 365 Secret
B.圖樣範例 Sample Picture Templat
C.字樣範例 Sample Word Templat

附錄一:超級手冊 Super Manual
附錄二:英文單字索引 English Vocabulary Index


A.365祕訣 365 Secret

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A1: A good interpersonal relationship will bring huge wealth and a happy life. As long as you believe in it, it will be realized. This is true. This is belief. It is also a necessary requirement for success.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A2: A good customer. Agood nobleman. Can bring you great wealth and huge career development. Remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A3: Don't be afraid to change. Change is not bad. Anyone who wants to try it out. This road does not work. Take another look. There is always a way. The nature. perseverance. confidence. determination. Is the key to getting through. Remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A4: Opportunities must be found by yourself. Opportunity will not find you. So success lies in opportunity. Remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A5: Good popularity. There are good connections. Good business. So we must build good people. Success lies in good relationships. Remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A6: To take the initiative to meet the managers. big boss. Big manager or person in charge of the enterprise. Or decision maker. The probability of such success. Will greatly increase. Remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A7: Grasp the opportunity. Is to master wealth. Master wealth. That is to control your future life. Is the key to the success or failure of wealth. Remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A8: Make a decision. Make a decision. Direction. Make an investment. To be in line with reality. Realistic. Must not be emotional. Irritability. Not too emotional. Otherwise it will fail. Will be defeated. Remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A9: Change life. Change property. Is to change fate and become rich. That is, toward a wealthy life in the future. Remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A10: To run the big boss well. Or go to the manager or big manager. Buyers or large buyers. Or decision maker. Or the big decision maker. Or the person in charge of the enterprise. Establish a good interactive relationship. Remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A11: One more marketing action. Just one more business opportunity. Know one more customer. Just one more business opportunity. So one more customer. There is one more opportunity for business transactions. So be sure to have such marketing characteristics and concepts. The market can be successfully sold successfully. Centuries.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A12: Get a little smile and get along with people. Just a little more business opportunities. Pay more. Just a little more business opportunities. Alittle more help. Just a little more business opportunities. Be more concerned. Just a little more business opportunities. The key to success or failure. At this point. This is marketing. Marketing skills and attitude skills.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A13: Change consumption patterns. Change the sales model. Change the marketing model. Change the group contact mode consumption thinking mode. Marketing thinking mode. Marketing thinking mode. Remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A14: At work. In career. On the journey of life. Encountered difficulties or unsatisfactory. Failure or disorientation or frustration. The style is not smooth. Never be discouraged. Because this is the best motivation to drive you forward to success. Remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A15: One must have ideals. have goal. Have a vision. Use the wisdom of life. Use wisdom. Use wisdom to accomplish goals and ideals. And vision. Then life will be different. Change vitality. has hope. Significant. must remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A16: All business work. Business work. Must have all. Advance layout. Deployment. And advanced planning blueprints. In this way, you can have bright performance. This is the key to the success of the business. must remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A17: At work. In business. On sales. In career. We must implement the basic work. Then there will be differentiation. Segmentation. Then sales performance. Will emerge naturally. Remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
A18: In life. In the cause。
Alittle pressure. Not bad. It's about turning stress into life. Motivation of career. Make life and progress more advanced and more advanced. More abundant. More colorful. Create a rich and beautiful life. must remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...

A:發想…… B:目標…… C:願景……
Al9: The original intention of this book. Is to provide my years of business experience and bit by bit experience in marketing. History and experience of potential training. For reference. Share with you. Hope to inspire you wholeheartedly. Inspire your potential energy. Positive power. Make you more combative. More in life. is more competitive. Remember.
A: Think... B: Objective... C: Vision...






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