Beyond Octonion Cosmology: The Substratum in Primordial Space

Beyond Octonion Cosmology: The Substratum in Primordial Space


:NT$ 4950 元
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Octonion Cosmology appears somewhat strange at first glance despite its clear consequences for Elementary Particle Physics. This book starts with octonionic spaces and proceeds to develop a Unified SuperStandard Theory for our universe with an exciting set of features that generalize The Standard Model to accommodate new phenomena such as leptoquark interactions via SU(4) and a Strong interaction connection for photons - both topics lately in the news.

It provides a derivation of Octonion Cosmology from a substratum of eight postulates for the properties of space. These postulates lead directly to the eight spaces of Octonion Cosmology. The derivation is straightforward but somewhat complex.

As a mathematical aside, a generalization of the important hypercomplex Cayley numbers is developed. Multidimensional Cayley arrays based on the Cayley-Dickson Construction are defined and their fundamental properties explored.

This volume also contains Pioneering the Cosmos and Pioneering the Cosmos II God-Space in their entirety. Their purpose was to provide an almost complete Octonion Cosmology presentation and to serve as a ready reference for the derivation. Their descriptions follow.

Description: Pioneering the Cosmos

This book is the Second Edition of: From Octonion Cosmology to the Unified SuperStandard Theory of Particles. It presents a more detailed, complete Cosmology based on a spectrum of ten octonion spaces, a Superverse, and three spaces of functionals. Octonion Cosmology is a truly fundamental physical theory that "explains" space-time, internal symmetry groups, and elementary particles, and their associated, detailed phenomena. It provides a justification for the Unified SuperStandard Theory that the author previously derived from Logic considerations over the past twenty years (based on the author's extensions of Quantum Field Theory presented in papers in the 1970s.) There is a panoramic range from the most fundamental physical levels to current elementary particle physics experiments.

Description: Pioneering the Cosmos II God-Space

This book is Part II of Pioneering the Cosmos. It extends the presentation of features of Octonion Cosmology to make it a complete theory of the Cosmos. The beginning is the million dimension God-Space, from which the other octonion spaces (forming an octet), and their instances (particles), are derived.

We show that the conventional form of symmetry breaking via the Higgs Mechanism is not sufficient. We introduce a new form of symmetry "splitting into factors" based on two types of inheritance.

A view of the photon is presented showing that it is analogous to a frozen universe. Part of the photon "universe" connects to the ElectroWeak interactions; part of the photon universe connects to the Strong interaction and supports a ρ Vector Meson Dominance (VDM) connection.







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