The 3,000-year-old Yi’Jing – Book of Changes, the oldest and most influential of the Chinese classics, is unquestionably one of the most important books in world literature. The central concept of the Yi’Jing is “Heaven and Humanity as One”. It delineates the principles behind how man can live in harmony with nature by emulating the precepts of heaven and earth. This idea became the cornerstone of China’s traditional culture, the root source of all branches of knowledge and the most unique feature of Chinese civilization. From its original text of about 4,900 characters emerged the two main pillars of Chinese philosophy – Confucianism and Taoism.
Although it began life as a book of oracles, and still remains a remarkable tool for divination, the Yi’Jing has evolved over the long years of Chinese history into primarily a book of wisdom. For more than 25 centuries Chinese emperors, statesmen and scholars have consulted the book as a standard resource on matters ranging from statecraft, warfare, business, to culture, religion and personal relationships.