《Lehninger 生物化學》是生物化學領域中重要的教科書之一,由David L. Nelson和 Michael M. Cox兩位傑出的學者擔任主編。本書從結構與催化作用、生物能量與代謝,以及訊息途徑的三個面向分成蛋白質的三維結構、檸檬酸循環、DNA代謝等共二十八個章節,新增入的內容包含:合成細胞與疾病基因體學、利用CRISPR進行基因編輯、RNA識別序列等新主題,並於各章均有相對應的關鍵術語、問題、數據分析問題等供讀者使用。本書除了內容的豐富性,精美的插圖與圖片也是此書的一大優點,對於想了解生物化學原理的讀者來說,不啻為首選。
Available for the first time in Achieve, the definitive reference text for biochemistry Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 8e helps students focus on the most important aspects of biochemistry- the principles! Dave Nelson, Michael Cox, and new co-author Aaron Hoskins identify the most important principles of biochemistry and direct student attention to these with icons and resources targeted to each principle.The 8th edition has been fully updated for focus, approachability, and up-to-date content. New and updated end-of-chapter questions -all available in the Achieve problem library with error-specific feedback and thorough solutions. These questions went through a rigorous development process to ensure they were robust, engaging and accurate.Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 8e continues to help students navigate the complex discipline of biochemistry with a clear and coherent presentation. Renowned authors David Nelson, Michael Cox, and new co-author Aaron Hoskins