零風險凍齡絕學,天然美人養成術!葉靚春神奇巧手為你拉回青春健康【傳統推拿術】 + 【穴道指壓按摩】雙管齊下,健身、養身同步達標!搭配葉靚春老師獨家三種專利按摩器,效果看得見!專利一、顆粒按摩器:暖身、鬆弛肌肉,為推拿做準備。專利二、手型按摩器:深入穴位,手痠的最佳替代品。專利三、小手按摩器:強化點位,局部加強利器。取回無價的健康、重拾青春體態,照著按、隨手壓,活絡經脈,即刻凍齡!本書內容補充維他命、攢錢加入健身房……無論做了多少努力,體態與健康依然固執地與你分道揚鑣嗎?現在,你有一個比食補&訓練更輕鬆便捷的捷徑,──葉靚春獨創「運動美容 X 穴道推拿」!特點❶ 指壓推拿二合一,美容保養全天然!穴道指壓&推拿向來是中醫治療的關鍵,本書作者融合30多年的經驗,將穴道推拿與美容保養結合在一起,免去侵入式動刀,用最自然的方式留住青春、凍齡有成。特點❷ QR Code影片教學,一點到位!隨書附上葉靚春老師的影片教學,掃QR Code即可觀看,就算是指壓推拿的新手,跟著影片也能精準掌握穴位&手法,從此不用花錢請人按推,自己就能對治身體各部位痠痛、保養身體機能。特點❸ 按壓不求人,DIY自行手法大公開!除了雙人按壓推拿之外,每篇都會附上DIY自行手法,就算獨自一人,也能從頭保養到腳,讓你不限地點、工具、人數,隨時隨地刺激穴位,365天都容光煥發、美麗到位。
How did lay people in old China save their lives when dealing with acute or chronic health issues? Conventional medicine was costly and might not have been an option for many. Instead, people in villages and towns relied on remedies drawn from a woodblock-printed illustrated booklet called the Seventy-Two Therapies, first published in 1847. The goal of this book is to foster an appreciation of China’s long tradition of folk remedies. Each folk remedy is illustrated by a page from the circa 1860s woodblock edition of the Seventy-Two Therapies which the author used for translation. He also added a historical and interpretive analysis to expand on each therapy and to place it in the context of contemporary thinking, aiming at academics and readers interested in the everyday lives of common people in pre-1950 China, and in the folk medicine wisdom inherited from the past. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The 72 specific disease