Voice Therapy for Children is a bilingual instructional manual that aims to maximize speech therapy students’ and clinicians’ competence, knowledge, and effectiveness in managing pediatric voice caseloads. This is a unique text that goes beyond general descriptions of therapeutic technique and physiologic principles.Designed to serve Cantonese- and English-speaking children, this manual provides a clear and systematic overview of practical issues and clinical tips, laying out the steps and criteria for therapy programs. With detailed instructions for each voice therapy session, clinicians will find answers to questions such as How can children be kept engaged in voice therapy?How can clinicians facilitate learning and performance of voicing techniques?How can age-appropriate practice stimuli and games be selected?This manual contains detailed instructions for each voice therapy session and ready-to-use clinical materials, including picture cards for eliciting stimulus and record forms
「使用傳統方法學習閱讀有困難的學生,需為其量身訂做融合自身經驗、對他們而言有意義的閱讀教材。尊重學生的喜惡,而不強加價值判斷。」 -Diane P. Wormsley,作者 個別化意義中心取向的點字素養教育(英文簡稱I-M-ABLE,中譯「認我行」),是一種創新、個別化、學生本位的點字教學策略,讓學點字成為孩子們的興趣。此教學策略的教學重點是持續分析學生的優勢及需求,強調以他們自身的經驗和興趣,找出關鍵字詞。本書提供了有關如何實施此學習策略的詳細指引。可以幫助伴隨輕度到中度認知障礙或其他學習困難的學生,有效建立點字素養。