Following the ending of the First Opium War and the signing of the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842, Britain opened five treaty ports on the Chinese mainland in the cities now known as Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Ningbo, Shanghai, and Xiamen. Foreigners were allowed for the first time to live and work normally in these cities under the eyes of their state’s consul. In establishing this presence, consular staff and their families faced numerous challenges, including unsuitable accommodation, illness, hostile local authorities, attacks from militias and pirates, while at the same time adjusting to an unfamiliar language and culture.Henrietta Alcock (1812–1853), the first wife of the British Consul, Rutherford Alcock, was little-known until an album of sketches and watercolours depicting her life in China came to light. Acquired by the Martyn Gregory Gallery, London in the early 1990s, the works in the Alcock Album feature picturesque natural landscapes, traditional Chinese architecture, and scenes of co
co-published with Guangxi Normal PressThe Orient Explorer Collection is a series of interesting texts written by Westerners travelling in China in the 1800s and early 1900s. Each volume has been reprinted from scans of the original publication and is included under a particular theme.The box set focuses on the theme “Women Writers” and features seven books written by women from various walks of life. It is suitable for readers interested in early China depicted by women travellers in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Each volume of the collection is to reignite interest and also to allow readers to explore how these books relate to the region today. With the Empress DowagerKatharine A. CARLThis book provides a sensational account of the author’s time with the Empress Dowager Cixi and the Chinese Court while painting her portrait for an exposition in St. Louis in the United States.978-962-937-405-1 • HK$278 / US$36Jan 2024 • 140 x 216 mm • 396 pp • PbA Woman in ChinaMary GAUNTThis
陳教授在中文大學建立「環球健康及人道醫學」(global health and humanitarian medicine) 專題學科。為了令學生可以學以致用,她和團隊走訪過百條內地偏遠、受貧窮和天災影響的少數民族小村莊,尋找適合作實地教育及研習的基地。本書收錄了那十多年在國內建構實地體驗學習模式過程中發生的小故事。這些年來,靠着各團隊成員的參與及付出,再加上一點點運氣,克服了在旅途上遇上的種種千奇百怪的困難。過程中,陳教授更發掘了多位出色而有決心、有教育下一代使命、在書內被稱為「雞腳英雄」的好老師。
國際圖學大師、華盛頓大學建築系榮譽教授暨國際建築暢銷書權威 Francis D. K. Ching 精緻的圖像為建築師整合設計與施工,廣博精湛、深入淺出,實踐建築理念的專業基本功 「Ching 的一系列專書以簡明豐富的圖像,將建築和建築製圖的原則傳遞給即將進入實務界的建築系學生、並持續鼓舞著無數有志進入設計領域的讀者。」—— 美國建築師協會協力成就最高榮譽 A.I.A. Institute Honors for Collaborative Achievement 「他創造了所有設計者和建築師都能使用的建築基礎語彙!」—— 庫柏‧休伊特國家設計獎評審團特別獎 Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award Special Jury Commendation 要在一本書之中涵蓋當今的建築材料和構造技術幾乎是天方夜譚,不過這正是《圖解建築構造》這本博大精深的實務指南受到國際間推崇的原因:具深度、廣度、經得起時間考驗。1975年,這本圖文並茂的建築構造指南問世,宗旨是向建築學子和相關建造者介紹如何將建築物豎立起來的基本原則,並開啟了一扇以「視覺化方法」理解建築設計和建築構造相互關係的嶄新大門。 本書的豐富建築知識應該足以因應大多數住宅與商業建築所面臨的種種情形。即使施工技術會隨著新型建材、產品、和標準的制定日新月異,但是建築元素和如何建構系統的基本原理並不會輕易改變。這本圖解指南著重的就是這些基本原理,期許在規劃、設計、和建造建築物的不同階段,都能做為評估和應用新資訊的指引。作者亦始任重道遠,在四十餘年間勤懇地檢視、擴充書中內容,成就一本建築實務界無人不知、不能不擁有的傳世經典。 第六版的修訂與前五版的態度一脈相承,主張應以對環境具有敏感度的方式來計畫和發展建築物與基地,回應基地條件與氣候,以減少對主動式環境控制系統與能源的依賴。因此這個版本也會持續參照最新版的 LEED 綠建築評分認證標準與2016年版CSI建築施工規範系統,拓展在永續設計與構造議題的討論;依照2018年版本的國際建築規範更新修訂;以圖例說明重要的安全玻璃規定,並且介紹大型木構造產品。 專業推薦 「建築設計和建築構造應該要同步進行。本書提供了清楚、高實用性、又有系統的構造圖解,幫助我們快速 地搜尋到有效的資料,在做設計的時候就思考該採