
三民網路書店 中文圖書分類法 / 語文類 / 中國兒童文學 / 圖畫故事

Exam Monster, The: A Story about Exam Anxiety
作者:Chai Hong Poh  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/26 裝訂:平裝
美樂蒂是個勤奮的好學生。每個人都認為她在即將到來的考試中會表現得很好,但每天晚上考試前,一個巨大的考試怪物都會出現在她的噩夢中!美樂蒂能否應對自如,還是注定會一再失敗?《我很健康》系列由兒童圖畫書組成,旨在解決當今兒童面臨的緊迫問題,正如新加坡心理健康研究所兒童指導診所的醫療保健專業人員所指出的那樣。每本書都藉鑒了精神科醫生、心理學家和諮商師的經驗,他們為無數兒童提供了從數位成癮到飲食失調等各種問題的諮商。每本書都採用基於故事的方法,包含一個相關的故事,幫助孩子更了解自己,並能夠採取實際步驟來成長、發展和改變。這些書可供學校的教育工作者、諮詢課程中的輔導員和醫生以及幫助孩子應對情緒和掙扎的父母使用。在本系列中:引人入勝的基於故事的方法由經驗豐富的專家撰寫包括給家長和教育工作者的提示和建議Melody is a good and hardworking student. Everyone thinks she will do just fine in her upcoming exams, but each night before an exam, a mega exam monster visits her nightmares! Can Melody cope, or is she doomed to fail again and again?The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything from digital addiction to eating disorders. Using
庫存 > 10
定價:269 元, 優惠價:9 242
Mummy and Daddy Broke the Rules!: A Story about Family Violence
作者:Esther Yuki Chew  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/26 裝訂:精裝
溫柔和仁慈的規則在 Leo利奧 和 Layla萊拉 的家庭中發揮著重要作用。但有一天,利奧和萊拉的媽媽和爸爸開始違反這些規則。利奧和萊拉會做什麼?誰能幫助他們再次感到安全?《我很健康》系列由兒童圖畫書組成,旨在解決當今兒童面臨的緊迫問題,正如新加坡心理健康研究所兒童指導診所的醫療保健專業人員所指出的那樣。每本書都藉鑒了精神科醫生、心理學家和諮商師的經驗,他們為無數兒童提供了從數位成癮到飲食失調等各種問題的諮商。每本書都採用基於故事的方法,包含一個相關的故事,幫助孩子更了解自己,並能夠採取實際步驟來成長、發展和改變。這些書可供學校的教育工作者、諮詢課程中的輔導員和醫生以及幫助孩子應對情緒和掙扎的父母使用。在本系列中:引人入勝的基於故事的方法由經驗豐富的專家撰寫包括給家長和教育工作者的提示和建議Rules of gentleness and kindness play an important role in Leo and Layla's family. But one day, Leo and Layla's Mummy and Daddy start breaking these rules. What will Leo and Layla do? Who will help them feel safe again?The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything from digital addiction to eating disorders. Using a story-based
定價:405 元, 優惠價:9 365
Anxious Agnes: A Story about an Overly Anxious Child
作者:Carmen Chew  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/26 裝訂:平裝
來認識艾格妮絲,一個害羞而緊張的女孩,對一切都擔心。艾格妮絲的焦慮使她很難享受自己喜歡的事情,例如和朋友一起玩或上學。在家人和善意輔導老師的幫助下,艾格妮絲能找到勇氣面對恐懼嗎?《我很健康》系列由兒童圖畫書組成,旨在解決當今兒童面臨的緊迫問題,正如新加坡心理健康研究所兒童指導診所的醫療保健專業人員所指出的那樣。每本書都藉鑒了精神科醫生、心理學家和諮商師的經驗,他們為無數兒童提供了從數位成癮到飲食失調等各種問題的諮商。每本書都採用基於故事的方法,包含一個相關的故事,幫助孩子更了解自己,並能夠採取實際步驟來成長、發展和改變。這些書可供學校的教育工作者、諮詢課程中的輔導員和醫生以及幫助孩子應對情緒和掙扎的父母使用。在本系列中:引人入勝的基於故事的方法由經驗豐富的專家撰寫包括給家長和教育工作者的提示和建議Meet Agnes, a shy and nervous girl who worries about everything. Agnes's anxiety makes it hard for her to enjoy the things she loves, like playing with her friends or going to school. With the help of her family and kind counsellor, can Agnes find the courage to face her fears?The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything f
庫存 > 10
定價:269 元, 優惠價:9 242
Mummy and Daddy Broke the Rules!: A Story about Family Violence
作者:Esther Yuki Chew  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/26 裝訂:平裝
溫柔和仁慈的規則在 Leo利奧 和 Layla萊拉的家庭中發揮著重要作用。但有一天,利奧和萊拉的媽媽和爸爸開始違反這些規則。利奧和萊拉會做什麼?誰能幫助他們再次感到安全?《我很健康》系列由兒童圖畫書組成,旨在解決當今兒童面臨的緊迫問題,正如新加坡心理健康研究所兒童指導診所的醫療保健專業人員所指出的那樣。每本書都藉鑒了精神科醫生、心理學家和諮商師的經驗,他們為無數兒童提供了從數位成癮到飲食失調等各種問題的諮商。每本書都採用基於故事的方法,包含一個相關的故事,幫助孩子更了解自己,並能夠採取實際步驟來成長、發展和改變。這些書可供學校的教育工作者、諮詢課程中的輔導員和醫生以及幫助孩子應對情緒和掙扎的父母使用。在本系列中:引人入勝的基於故事的方法由經驗豐富的專家撰寫包括給家長和教育工作者的提示和建議Rules of gentleness and kindness play an important role in Leo and Layla's family. But one day, Leo and Layla's Mummy and Daddy start breaking these rules. What will Leo and Layla do? Who will help them feel safe again?The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything from digital addiction to eating disorders. Using a story-based
庫存 > 10
定價:269 元, 優惠價:9 242
  • 電子書
作者:鞏孺萍  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2024/01/26 裝訂:電子書
動物們聽到一個奇怪的巨響, 好像是誰放了一個超大的屁?! #幽默 #動物 #解謎 鼴鼠聽到一個奇怪的聲音, 好像是誰放了一個屁,他到處去問是誰放的屁? 那個屁好大聲,是大象放的嗎? 那個屁聽起來很高,是長頸鹿放的嗎? 那個屁聽起來很快,是獵豹放的嗎? 這麼屁這麼臭,是臭鼬放的嗎? 不是不是,都不是! 臭鼬說,我的屁比他臭多了! 啊? 這麼奇怪的屁到底是誰放的啊? ▲本書特色 故事以一個奇怪的巨響開始,聽起像是一個屁聲,但是又跟平常的屁聲不太一樣,於是動物們開始不停猜測尋找到底是誰放的屁。以這個屁聲聽起來的「特徵」當作線索,一一去對應哪個動物才是「放屁的兇手」。但是動物找了一輪,始終沒有人承認,直到這個奇怪的巨響再次出現在空中……整個尋找的過程誇張又搞笑,每一頁都出現了新的小動物,逗趣生動的表情讓人印象深刻,角色的互動也加強了幼兒的動物認知。 在小朋友在愛的「屎尿屁」主題中,本書創造了一個充滿想像力的謎題,讓小讀者等不及一頁頁看下去找出屁的主人,且會對謎底會心一笑!
定價:350 元, 優惠價:7 245
Anxious Agnes: A Story about an Overly Anxious Child
作者:Carmen Chew  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/26 裝訂:精裝
來認識艾格妮絲,一個害羞而緊張的女孩,對一切都擔心。艾格妮絲的焦慮使她很難享受自己喜歡的事情,例如和朋友一起玩或上學。在家人和善意輔導老師的幫助下,艾格妮絲能找到勇氣面對恐懼嗎?《我很健康》系列由兒童圖畫書組成,旨在解決當今兒童面臨的緊迫問題,正如新加坡心理健康研究所兒童指導診所的醫療保健專業人員所指出的那樣。每本書都藉鑒了精神科醫生、心理學家和諮商師的經驗,他們為無數兒童提供了從數位成癮到飲食失調等各種問題的諮商。每本書都採用基於故事的方法,包含一個相關的故事,幫助孩子更了解自己,並能夠採取實際步驟來成長、發展和改變。這些書可供學校的教育工作者、諮詢課程中的輔導員和醫生以及幫助孩子應對情緒和掙扎的父母使用。在本系列中:引人入勝的基於故事的方法由經驗豐富的專家撰寫包括給家長和教育工作者的提示和建議Meet Agnes, a shy and nervous girl who worries about everything. Agnes's anxiety makes it hard for her to enjoy the things she loves, like playing with her friends or going to school. With the help of her family and kind counsellor, can Agnes find the courage to face her fears?The I Am Healthy series comprises children's picture books that tackle pressing issues facing children today, as identified by healthcare professionals from the Child Guidance Clinic, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore. Each book draws from the experiences of psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors who have counselled countless children regarding everything f
定價:405 元, 優惠價:9 365
作者:狐狸家  出版社:語樂多  出版日:2024/01/25 裝訂:平裝
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
作者:段立欣  出版社:柏樂出版  出版日:2024/01/24 裝訂:平裝
有一天,爺爺說他進入「太空人訓練日」,也許會成為太空人,飛到太空去探索,其實,爺爺的太空人訓練,不過像機器人一樣,全身插滿了電線……。【兒童文學作家 鄒敦怜老師 專文推薦】爸媽超有想像力,孩子就有創造力充滿想像力的文字 + 豐富生動的插畫= 值得收藏反覆閱讀的兒童文學作品 + 親子教養經典範例面對成長,孩子可能有各種刁鑽花式的問題,超有想像力的爸媽能輕鬆搞定!讓孩子的「胡思亂想」變成「奇思妙想」!陪伴孩子們長大的大人,常常忘記自己童年的樣貌,當孩子帶著煩惱來到跟前,大人常會不自主的就開始說教,這套書教會大人怎樣跟孩子說話。故事中的大人,從不用大人的角度來指點孩子,而是站在跟孩子同一個位置,順著孩子的思維推敲,慢慢的讓最好的答案浮現。 心寬體胖的爺爺在平凡的生活之中為心愛的孫子創造了各種大冒險:講嚇人的故事,變出大恐龍,一起爭搶食物……最奇特的是,爺爺把自己病重住院的經歷,變成了去「太空人基地」參加訓練。爺爺用豐富的想像力和樂觀開朗的精神,保護了外孫的純真和快樂。 在生活中,除了病重,我們還可能遭遇很多困難,在沒有必要讓孩子直面殘酷現實的時候,爺爺選擇用智慧和幽默的方式來面對,幫助孫子成長健康成長。
定價:360 元, 優惠價:79 284
The Class and the Farewell Challenge
作者:Brandon Oh  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/22 裝訂:平裝
一位老師在畢業聚會上給她的小學六年級學生最後一個要解決的問題。學生能否齊心協力找出答案並圓滿結束最後一年的學習呢?我是數學明星!系列包括具有挑戰性的數學難題,以故事形式呈現。透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式技巧,逐步描述謎題,然後逐步解決,這些技巧也是世界著名的新加坡數學課程的一部分。透過插圖和引人入勝的故事情節,孩子們將學習數學啟發法,並受到啟發,堅持理解、表現和解決有趣的數學問題!系列特點:根據新加坡數學課程的規定,學習使用數學啟發法解決數學難題每本書都包含由 Yeap Ban Har 撰寫的解決問題指南A teacher gives her Primary 6 class one last problem to solve during their graduation party. Can the pupils work together to figure out the answer and end their final year with a bang?The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Series features:Learn to solve difficult Maths problems usin
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
The Disciple and the Baffling Bowls
作者:Brandon Oh  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/22 裝訂:精裝
作為訓練的一部分,一名年輕的弟子受到老師的挑戰,要求他在沒有任何測量工具的情況下找到碗的直徑。他能有辦法在晚餐前找到答案嗎?我是數學明星!系列包括具有挑戰性的數學難題,以故事形式呈現。透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式技巧,逐步描述謎題,然後逐步解決,這些技巧也是世界著名的新加坡數學課程的一部分。透過插圖和引人入勝的故事情節,孩子們將學習數學啟發法,並受到啟發,堅持理解、表現和解決有趣的數學問題!系列特點:根據新加坡數學課程的規定,學習使用數學啟發法解決數學難題每本書都包含由 Yeap Ban Har 撰寫的解決問題指南As part of his training, a young disciple is challenged by his master to find the diameter of a bowl — but without any measuring tools. Can he find a way to obtain the answer before dinnertime?The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Series features:Learn to solve difficult Maths
定價:678 元, 優惠價:9 610
The Twins and the Brain Battle
作者:Brandon Oh  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/22 裝訂:平裝
當一對雙胞胎無法就誰的數學更好達成一致時,他們的父親給了他們一個令人困惑的問題。只要一點線索,誰會先找到答案?我是數學明星!系列包括具有挑戰性的數學難題,以故事形式呈現。透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式技巧,逐步描述謎題,然後逐步解決,這些技巧也是世界著名的新加坡數學課程的一部分。透過插圖和引人入勝的故事情節,孩子們將學習數學啟發法,並受到啟發,堅持理解、表現和解決有趣的數學問題!系列特點:根據新加坡數學課程的規定,學習使用數學啟發法解決數學難題每本書都包含由 Yeap Ban Har 撰寫的解決問題指南When a pair of twins cannot agree on who is better in Maths, their father sets them a baffling problem. With just a few clues, who will find the answer first?The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Series features:Learn to solve difficult Maths problems using Maths heuristics, as ident
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
The Class and the Farewell Challenge
作者:Brandon Oh  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/22 裝訂:精裝
一位老師在畢業聚會上給她的小學六年級學生最後一個要解決的問題。學生能否齊心協力找出答案並圓滿結束最後一年的學習呢?我是數學明星!系列包括具有挑戰性的數學難題,以故事形式呈現。透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式技巧,逐步描述謎題,然後逐步解決,這些技巧也是世界著名的新加坡數學課程的一部分。透過插圖和引人入勝的故事情節,孩子們將學習數學啟發法,並受到啟發,堅持理解、表現和解決有趣的數學問題!系列特點:根據新加坡數學課程的規定,學習使用數學啟發法解決數學難題每本書都包含由 Yeap Ban Har 撰寫的解決問題指南A teacher gives her Primary 6 class one last problem to solve during their graduation party. Can the pupils work together to figure out the answer and end their final year with a bang?The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Series features:Learn to solve difficult Maths problems usin
定價:678 元, 優惠價:9 610
The Disciple and the Baffling Bowls
作者:Brandon Oh  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/22 裝訂:平裝
作為訓練的一部分,一名年輕的弟子受到老師的挑戰,要求他在沒有任何測量工具的情況下找到碗的直徑。他能有辦法在晚餐前找到答案嗎?我是數學明星!系列包括具有挑戰性的數學難題,以故事形式呈現。透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式技巧,逐步描述謎題,然後逐步解決,這些技巧也是世界著名的新加坡數學課程的一部分。透過插圖和引人入勝的故事情節,孩子們將學習數學啟發法,並受到啟發,堅持理解、表現和解決有趣的數學問題!系列特點:根據新加坡數學課程的規定,學習使用數學啟發法解決數學難題每本書都包含由 Yeap Ban Har 撰寫的解決問題指南As part of his training, a young disciple is challenged by his master to find the diameter of a bowl — but without any measuring tools. Can he find a way to obtain the answer before dinnertime?The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Series features:Learn to solve difficult Maths
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定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
The Twins and the Brain Battle
作者:Brandon Oh  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/22 裝訂:精裝
當一對雙胞胎無法就誰的數學更好達成一致時,他們的父親給了他們一個令人困惑的問題。只要一點線索,誰會先找到答案?我是數學明星!系列包括具有挑戰性的數學難題,以故事形式呈現。透過引人入勝的故事情節,並使用各種數學啟發式技巧,逐步描述謎題,然後逐步解決,這些技巧也是世界著名的新加坡數學課程的一部分。透過插圖和引人入勝的故事情節,孩子們將學習數學啟發法,並受到啟發,堅持理解、表現和解決有趣的數學問題!系列特點:根據新加坡數學課程的規定,學習使用數學啟發法解決數學難題每本書都包含由 Yeap Ban Har 撰寫的解決問題指南When a pair of twins cannot agree on who is better in Maths, their father sets them a baffling problem. With just a few clues, who will find the answer first?The I'm a Maths Star! series comprises challenging Maths puzzles, presented in story form. Puzzles are described and then solved, step-by-step, through an engaging storyline, and using various Maths heuristic techniques that are also taught as part of the world-renowned Singapore Maths curriculum. Through illustrations and an engaging storyline, children will learn Maths heuristics, and be inspired to persevere in understanding, representing, and solving fun and intriguing Maths problems!Series features:Learn to solve difficult Maths problems using Maths heuristics, as ident
定價:678 元, 優惠價:9 610
Plant Systems
作者:Manisha Nayak  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/15 裝訂:平裝
非常適合課堂和家庭使用!您準備好參加有關工廠系統的終極測驗了嗎?你有沒有想知道...為什麼當你觸摸含羞草時,葉子會關閉?為什麼有些植物會捕捉並「吃」昆蟲?為什麼蝴蝶和蜜蜂會拜訪花朵?科學家如何判斷一棵樹的年齡?加入 Quiz Champs 主持人 Sunny Sunflower,尋找諸如此類的有趣問題的答案。測試您對主題的掌握程度,學習有趣的事實,並一路上講一些愚蠢的笑話!Quiz Champs 系列經過專門設計,為年輕學習者提供有趣且具教育意義的學習體驗。該系列與新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致,還包括豐富的問題,以拓展好奇心。已提供答案和附加資訊以幫助學習、複習和準備測驗。系列特色:與最新的2023年新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致參與測驗題和笑話有趣、俏皮的外觀和感覺適合年輕讀者的簡單語言吉祥物隱藏在這本書的25頁中盡可能注入幽默有關主題的附加信息Great for classroom and home use!Are you ready to take the ultimate quiz on plant systems?Have you ever wanted to know ...why touch-me-not leaves close when you touch them?why some plants capture and 'eat' insects?why butterflies and bees visit flowers?how scientists can tell the age of a tree?Join Quiz Champs host Sunny Sunflower as you find answers to intriguing questions such as these. Test your mastery of the topic, learn fun facts and crack up at silly jokes along the way!The Quiz Champs series has been specially crafted to be a fun and educational learning experience for young learners. Th
庫存 > 10
定價:306 元, 優惠價:9 275
作者:Manisha Nayak  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/15 裝訂:平裝
非常適合課堂和家庭使用!您準備好接受有關改編的終極測驗了嗎?你有沒有想知道...哪一種動物可以模仿烏賊、魚、海蛇和岩石?為什麼仙人掌沒有葉子?為什麼長頸鹿的脖子這麼長?為什麼有些動物有假眼睛?加入 Quiz Champs 主持人 Ollie Octopus,尋找諸如此類的有趣問題的答案。測試您對主題的掌握程度,學習有趣的事實,並一路上講一些愚蠢的笑話!Quiz Champs 系列經過專門設計,為年輕學習者提供有趣且具教育意義的學習體驗。該系列與新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致,還包括豐富的問題,以拓展好奇心。已提供答案和附加資訊以幫助學習、複習和準備測驗。系列特色:與最新的2023年新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致參與測驗題和笑話有趣、俏皮的外觀和感覺適合年輕讀者的簡單語言吉祥物隱藏在這本書的25頁中盡可能注入幽默有關主題的附加信息Great for classroom and home use!Are you ready to take the ultimate quiz on adaptations?Have you ever wanted to know ...which animal can mimic a squid, a fish, a sea snake and a rock?why a cactus has no leaves?why a giraffe has such a long neck?why some animals have fake eyes?Join Quiz Champs host Ollie Octopus as you find answers to intriguing questions such as these. Test your mastery of the topic, learn fun facts and crack up at silly jokes along the way!The Quiz Champs series has been specially crafted to be a fun and educational learning experience for young learners. The series is aligned with the Si
庫存 > 10
定價:306 元, 優惠價:9 275
Interactions in Nature
作者:Manisha Nayak  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/15 裝訂:平裝
非常適合課堂和家庭使用!您準備好參加有關自然界互動的終極測驗了嗎?為什麼有些海豚會幫助漁民捕魚?為什麼有些鳥願意進入鱷魚的嘴裡?砍伐樹木如何導致海平面上升?我們的行為如何導致一些動物滅絕?加入 Quiz Champs 主持人 Pam Pangolin,尋找諸如此類的有趣問題的答案。測試您對主題的掌握程度,學習有趣的事實,並一路上講一些愚蠢的笑話!Quiz Champs 系列經過專門設計,為年輕學習者提供有趣且具教育意義的學習體驗。該系列與新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致,還包括豐富的問題,以拓展好奇心。已提供答案和附加資訊以幫助學習、複習和準備測驗。系列特色:與最新的2023年新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致參與測驗題和笑話有趣、俏皮的外觀和感覺適合年輕讀者的簡單語言吉祥物隱藏在這本書的25頁中盡可能注入幽默有關主題的附加信息Great for classroom and home use!Are you ready to take the ultimate quiz on interactions in nature?why some dolphins help fishermen catch fish?why some birds willingly enter the mouths of crocodiles?how cutting trees can cause sea levels to rise?how our actions can make some animals extinct?Join Quiz Champs host Pam Pangolin as you find answers to intriguing questions such as these. Test your mastery of the topic, learn fun facts and crack up at silly jokes along the way!The Quiz Champs series has been specially crafted to be a fun and educational learning experience for young learners. The series is aligned
庫存 > 10
定價:306 元, 優惠價:9 275
作者:Manisha Nayak  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/15 裝訂:精裝
非常適合課堂和家庭使用!您準備好參加電力終極測驗了嗎?你有沒有想知道...為什麼坐在電線上的鳥不會被電擊?為什麼用氣球摩擦頭髮會立起來?鴨嘴獸如何利用電力尋找食物?乳牛如何幫助發電?加入 Quiz Champs 主持人 Lyra Lightbulb,尋找諸如此類的有趣問題的答案。測試您對主題的掌握程度,學習有趣的事實,並一路上講一些愚蠢的笑話!Quiz Champs 系列經過專門設計,為年輕學習者提供有趣且具教育意義的學習體驗。該系列與新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致,還包括豐富的問題,以拓展好奇心。已提供答案和附加資訊以幫助學習、複習和準備測驗。系列特色:與最新的2023年新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致參與測驗題和笑話有趣、俏皮的外觀和感覺適合年輕讀者的簡單語言吉祥物隱藏在這本書的25頁中盡可能注入幽默有關主題的附加信息Great for classroom and home use!Are you ready to take the ultimate quiz on electricity?Have you ever wanted to know ...why birds sitting on power lines don't get electric shocks?why your hair stands up when you rub a balloon over it?how a platypus uses electricity to find food?how cows can help generate electricity?Join Quiz Champs host Lyra Lightbulb as you find answers to intriguing questions such as these. Test your mastery of the topic, learn fun facts and crack up at silly jokes along the way!The Quiz Champs series has been specially crafted to be a fun and educational learning experience for young learn
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
Plant Systems
作者:Manisha Nayak  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/15 裝訂:精裝
非常適合課堂和家庭使用!您準備好參加有關工廠系統的終極測驗了嗎?你有沒有想知道...為什麼當你觸摸含羞草時,葉子會關閉?為什麼有些植物會捕捉並「吃」昆蟲?為什麼蝴蝶和蜜蜂會拜訪花朵?科學家如何判斷一棵樹的年齡?加入 Quiz Champs 主持人 Sunny Sunflower,尋找諸如此類的有趣問題的答案。測試您對主題的掌握程度,學習有趣的事實,並一路上講一些愚蠢的笑話!Quiz Champs 系列經過專門設計,為年輕學習者提供有趣且具教育意義的學習體驗。該系列與新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致,還包括豐富的問題,以拓展好奇心。已提供答案和附加資訊以幫助學習、複習和準備測驗。系列特色:與最新的2023年新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致參與測驗題和笑話有趣、俏皮的外觀和感覺適合年輕讀者的簡單語言吉祥物隱藏在這本書的25頁中盡可能注入幽默有關主題的附加信息Great for classroom and home use!Are you ready to take the ultimate quiz on plant systems?Have you ever wanted to know ...why touch-me-not leaves close when you touch them?why some plants capture and 'eat' insects?why butterflies and bees visit flowers?how scientists can tell the age of a tree?Join Quiz Champs host Sunny Sunflower as you find answers to intriguing questions such as these. Test your mastery of the topic, learn fun facts and crack up at silly jokes along the way!The Quiz Champs series has been specially crafted to be a fun and educational learning experience for young learners. Th
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
作者:Manisha Nayak  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2024/01/15 裝訂:精裝
非常適合課堂和家庭使用!您準備好接受有關改編的終極測驗了嗎?你有沒有想知道...哪一種動物可以模仿烏賊、魚、海蛇和岩石?為什麼仙人掌沒有葉子?為什麼長頸鹿的脖子這麼長?為什麼有些動物有假眼睛?加入 Quiz Champs 主持人 Ollie Octopus,尋找諸如此類的有趣問題的答案。測試您對主題的掌握程度,學習有趣的事實,並一路上講一些愚蠢的笑話!Quiz Champs 系列經過專門設計,為年輕學習者提供有趣且具教育意義的學習體驗。該系列與新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致,還包括豐富的問題,以拓展好奇心。已提供答案和附加資訊以幫助學習、複習和準備測驗。系列特色:與最新的2023年新加坡小學科學課程大綱和劍橋小學科學課程保持一致參與測驗題和笑話有趣、俏皮的外觀和感覺適合年輕讀者的簡單語言吉祥物隱藏在這本書的25頁中盡可能注入幽默有關主題的附加信息Great for classroom and home use!Are you ready to take the ultimate quiz on adaptations?Have you ever wanted to know ...which animal can mimic a squid, a fish, a sea snake and a rock?why a cactus has no leaves?why a giraffe has such a long neck?why some animals have fake eyes?Join Quiz Champs host Ollie Octopus as you find answers to intriguing questions such as these. Test your mastery of the topic, learn fun facts and crack up at silly jokes along the way!The Quiz Champs series has been specially crafted to be a fun and educational learning experience for young learners. The series is aligned with the Si
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
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