Since its first publication, Action Research: Principles and Practice has become a key text in its field. This new updated edition clearly describes and explains the practices of action research and i
Small children love to act out simple rhymes! This collection features classic favorites like Incy Wincy Spider, Pat-a-Cake and One Potato, Two Potato in a sturdy board book format that is ideal for s
★《商業周刊》1465期選書★「水平思考」、「6頂思考帽」創意大師愛德華.狄波諾Edward de Bono————最完整的水平思考工具與應用大全————教你不用靈感也能創新!麥肯錫、NTT、微軟、IBM、通用汽車、殼牌石油……全球一流菁英都在學的超效能思考術!「如果創造力只能靠天賦,那我們做任何事都沒有意義。」——愛德華.狄波諾Edward de Bono誰說輪胎不能是方形?誰說餐廳一定要提供食
A hilarious andaction-packed new graphic novel following a feline secret agent who will do whatever it takes to save the world - even if it means destroying a few things along the way. The Super-Se