David Walliams《世界上最糟糕…》讀本新作帶來十個世界上最瘋狂的動物。他們之中有好寵物、壞寵物、有藏著秘密的熊,更有能一口把主人吞掉的可怕寵物。作者以一貫的爆笑文筆,顛覆你對這些動物的美好想像。THE WORLD’S WORST PETS by David Walliams is #1 AGAIN on the Sunday Times Children's Bestseller List!BE WARNED! AWFUL ANIMALS LURK INSIDE... Millions of readers have loved The World's Worst Children, The World's Worst Teachers and The World's Worst Parents - now they will delight in this ludicrously laugh-out-loud collection of pets, brought to you by the phenomenal Number One bestselling author David Walliams, with every story illustrated in vibrant colour by Adam Stower. These ten tales of the world's craziest creatures will have you shaking with laughter.You'll never look at pets in the same way again! Marvel at Houdini, the magician's rabbit. Take a trip around the world with Zoom, the supersonic tortoise. Gasp at the chaos created by Griselda, a grizzly bear with a big secret.And RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! It's Furp, the monstrous goldfish! Good pets, bad pets, supervillain pets, pets as
戀愛向新秀作家墨衣清絕X暖甜系新星繪師Yuen★空虛寂寞覺得冷?二次元美男子真人化,給妳親親抱抱!★專屬養成˙自由捏戳!欺負得眼淚汪汪,幸福滿滿(?)★叮!浪漫小魔法,療癒妳心~甜蜜蔓延!體貼指數↑暖心指數↑霸道指數↑深陷公主病,無法自拔?!夢幻.危險.戀愛遊戲~YES or NO?小惡魔:討厭,好心動~快來撩我!小天使:不行,快住手~回到現實!說好的只是玩玩呢!!(>////