本書是《Classics in Mathematics》系列之一,以現代觀點講述了代數幾何知識,將經典代數曲面和現代代數曲面有機結合,很好地表達出了數學的整體性,是同時期很難得的一本代數曲面教材。全書主要內容包括奇點理論和奇點還原;曲線的線性系統;伴隨系和不變量理論;算術虧格和Riemann-Roch定理;連續非線性系統;代數曲面的拓撲性質;代數曲面上的單積分和雙重積分;復平面上的Branch曲線
《代數曲面和全純向量叢(英文版)》主要內容包括:An Introduction to Elliptic Surfaces、Singular fibers、Singulex fibers of elliptic fibrations、lnvariants and the canonical bundle formula、Elliptic surfaces with a section and Wei
General Background I first became involved in the teaching of geometry about twenty years ago,when my department introduced an optional second year course on the geometry of plane curves,partly to red