本書譯自David JGriffiths和Darrell FSchroeter教授所著《量子力學概論》(第3版),包含了我國大學量子力學課程最主要的內容。本書強調量子力學的實驗基礎和基本概念,講解直接從薛定諤方程開始;同時力圖體現現代物理內容,把問題擴展到多個前沿的研究領域,如統計物理、固體物理、粒子物理等。在寫法上,作者從務實的角度出發,著重於交互式的寫作,採用對話式的語言,敘述簡明,文筆流暢,力圖改變量子力學難於理解、難於接受的教學狀況。本書為高等學校物理學或相關專業量子力學課程的基礎教材,也可供有關專業教師、科研人員等參考。This is a Simplified Chinese Translation of the following title published by Cambridge University Press:Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 3rd Edition, ISBN 9781107189638Second edition David J. Griffiths 2017. Third edition Cambridge University Press 2018.This Simplified Chinese Translation for Chinese mainland (excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan)is published by arrangement with the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press and China Machine Press 2023.This Simplified Chinese Translation is authorized for sale in Chinese mainland ( excluding Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan) only. Unauthorised export of this Simplified Chinese Translation is a