爺爺兒時與家人跨洋來到此地落地深根,只帶著簡單的行囊與一顆小小的核桃,如今小孫女也得到一顆。爺爺分享過去的旅程,也教她如何栽種核桃。隨著種子慢慢發芽茁壯,爺爺卻逐漸凋零…《花園街10號》Felicita Sala溫柔水彩畫描繪周而復始的生命循環。A moving, multigenerational story about love, family roots, and the cycle of lifeWhen Emilia finds a walnut one morning, Grandpa tells her the story behind it: of his journey across the ocean to a new home, with only one small bag and a nut in his pocket. “I planted my little tree in good brown soil, so it would grow strong here forever.”“In this house? In this yard?”“Shall we go see?” Step by step, Grandpa teaches Emilia how to cultivate her own seed. But as her little nut grows, Grandpa begins to slow down—until one sad day, Emilia has to say goodbye. Emilia’s sapling looks as droopy as she feels . . . but she knows just what to do.From acclaimed author and illustrator Ammi-Joan Paquette and Felicita Sala, this tender story is a poignant reminder that the best things grow with time—and that even when they are no longer here, the ones we lo
本書是由國際著名的全人教育學者John P. Miller所著,是第一本從廣泛角度論述在教育情境中如何滋養靈性的專書。作者充分探討靈性的本質、分享發展師生靈性的途徑,主張學校也是具有靈性的有機組織,提供許多滋養與關照學校靈性生命的作法。本書富含對生命與教育本質的省思,闡釋靈性課程的理念與具體策略,讓我們找回生命與教育的靈魂,激發吾人內在源源不絕的「深邃、有活力的能量」,並喜悅地投注在充滿無限可能與