Following the success of her international bestseller The Soulmate Secret, Arielle Ford reveals how to make love last forever once you?ve found something worth hanging onto. Debbie Ford, the New York
The relationship expert and author of the internationally best-selling The Soulmate Secret uses a technique based on an ancient Japanese aesthetic to explain how to sustain a loving, romantic partners
侘寂是對美的直覺反應,反映人生的本質。侘寂是接受與欣賞萬物不恆常、不完美與不完整的本質。侘寂是承認簡單、緩慢與自然生命的賜予。貝絲•坎普頓(Beth Kempton)在《侘寂:追求不完美的日式生活美學》(Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom For a Perfectly Imperfect Life)裡,邀請讀者一起在異地當一個好奇的探險家。她試圖藉由文字所勾勒出的地圖指引人們離
Find beauty and harmony in the unfinished, fleeting, modest, and simple things in life. Embrace the ancient Japanese philosophy of wabi sabi and appreciate the imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.