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It is the second book of sonography series for the be-gin-ners who are interested in the study of musculoskeletal ultra-sound examination in English. As I mentioned in the preface of the first book, which was published in 2014, more and more phy-
sicians came to Taipei in recent years, looking for the opportu-nity to study ultrasonic examination for the soft tissue disorders.
Most of them are from Southeast Asian countries and English is the only language they can communicate with the people of
host country. As a result, the first book came out in English three years ago, tried to introduce the readers how to make an ultra-
sonic examination for the normal soft tissues of upper and lower extremities correctly. The authors used more pictures and less
literal description in the book, made it easier to be understood for the readers.
It is the second book of sonography series for the be-gin-ners who are interested in the study of musculoskeletal ultra-sound examination in English. As I mentioned in the preface of the first book, which was published in 2014, more and more phy-
sicians came to Taipei in recent years, looking for the opportu-nity to study ultrasonic examination for the soft tissue disorders.
Most of them are from Southeast Asian countries and English is the only language they can communicate with the people of
host country. As a result, the first book came out in English three years ago, tried to introduce the readers how to make an ultra-
sonic examination for the normal soft tissues of upper and lower extremities correctly. The authors used more pictures and less
literal description in the book, made it easier to be understood for the readers.