從台灣人法學的觀點,不管是德國法、美國法、或日本法,適合台灣人民的都是好的法。本書連結法學者、法學論述、政治與社會環境,本於歷史學、法律學、社會學的關懷,敘述台灣如何跨越3個世紀,經歷殖民、威權、民主等政體,彙整來自歐美日中的現代法學知識,建構出當下的法學內涵,並提出應超越歷史束縛的主張。另從東亞視角,描繪法學緒論著述所顯現的「明治日本→民國中國→戰後台灣」的知識傳遞及流變。本書也是為新的一代台灣法律人打造的法學緒論著述,在法源論,揚棄過時而形同盲腸的成文法與不成文法概念;在法解釋適用論,以德式法釋義學汰舊換新,納入英美法系之法適用方法,且「看見」台灣的法事實,重構台灣版法學緒論。Inspired by the disciplines in history, law, and sociology, this book links jurists, legal discourses, and political and social contexts to describe how the knowledge of legal science in Europe, the United States, Japan, and China has been compiled to shape the legal science in Taiwan which have experienced colonial, authoritarian, and democratic regimes from the late 19th century to current 21th century. The author thus proposes further reforms to transcend the historical fetters. In addition, from an East Asian perspective, this book depicts the line of legal knowledge transmission from Meiji Japan to Republican China, and then to post-war Taiwan, as shown in the treatises for introducing legal
For this special issue on “New Generation Women's Fiction from Taiwan,” we have specially invited Professor Lee Kuei Yun of the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature at Taiwan's Tsing Hua University to be guest editor and take responsibility for the selections. Because of space limitations it has been possible only to select twelve short stories by eleven woman writers. These writers were all born in the 1970s or later and their works were published in the year 2000 or later. Thus, they represent a period of social change in twenty-first century Taiwan and the spirit of the new generation. The introduction that we asked Professor Lee to provide is entitled “Trauma, esire, Contemporary Women's Voices.” Aside from giving a brief account of the eleven writers and their works, Professor Lee sketches “a number of writerly qualities that become perceptible… [that] represent the internal trauma, female consciousness, physical lust, cat-uman metaphors, and everyday life, etc.” In her introdu
地形學被稱為地質學的最後一章,也是地理學的第一章,是探討地表的起伏、成因與人們如何利用的學門。地形學對自然地理而言,是主要的知識架構之一,提供我們系統研究地球科學與人地互動的基礎概念。地表的地形作用改變了地形,產生變遷。這是地表的自然作用,然而也對人類社會有許多的影響。當超過人們可以承擔的限度時,就形成災害,因此人們需要面對地形災害的成因與如何減少災害的損失。【關於臺灣地形研究室】成立於1992年的「臺灣地形研究室」,過去30年來致力於臺灣地景的保育工作,從概念的推廣到推動地質公園的入法,都是我們努力的方向。研究室持續提供相關政府部門地景保育研習與環境教育的課程,並協助相關國家公園、國家風景區、地質公園等調查與規劃研究。研究室每年出版兩期《地景保育通訊》,並陸續進行合作出版《Geoparks of Taiwan》(Springer)、《臺灣的國土監測報告》、《地形圖中的福爾摩沙》、《氣候變遷中的國家發展藍圖》、《臺灣的天然災害》、《臺灣的十大地理議題》等書。近年研究室除了持續沖蝕監測、高精度航空攝影等相關地形變遷研究外,並致力於推動臺灣地質公園與國際地質公園及保育運動接軌、解說員的培訓與認證、讀景運動等地景保育工作。