This book deals with the history of Hong Kong in the first half of the twentieth century which affected or, as it was frequently the case, were affected by the political developments in China, especia
Some of the greatest philosophers, poets and painters of China were famous as hermits in their day and reclusive ideals touched many aspects of social and political life. This study investigates how e
This accounts the evolution of social policy in Hong Kong. Developments in social welfare, health care, housing and education are examined and interpreted.
This book addresses the multifaceted dimensions of urban growth in the region and examines some of its consequences, implications and meanings. Regional and national analyses of urbanization trends, d
This is a full and detailed account of China's antiforeignism in the twentieth century, with an emphasis on the post-1949 period. The author expounds fully on the factors underlying its complicated de
Published annually since 1989, The Other Hong Kong Report is a review of the various aspects of development in Hong Kong in the past year by scholars and experts, who are not government officials, and
Gao Yang (Kao Yang), whose real name is Xu Anping, is one of the most prolific and respected writers in Taiwan today. A firm believer in the inseparable relationship between history and literature, he
This book examines this trial of references to cockfighting, beginning in 517 B.C. and extending into modern times. Works by China's famous poets and prose stylists, information from historical, philo
This volume is intended for professional philosophers and laymen with an interest in East-West studies and comparative philosophy and religion. The central focus is the concept of comparing perspectiv
This comprehensive study, Dai Wangshu: The Life and Poetry of a Chinese Modernist, is one of the most illuminating books on twentieth-century Chinese poetry to have been published in years. It goes be
This book brings together for the first time the major essays and review-articles of David Hawkes, distinguished British sinologist and translator, Professor of Chinese at Oxford until 1971.It takes i