High Gothic: Christian Art & Iconography of the 13th–14th Century showcases classic examples of statuary, stained glass, diptychs, textiles and caskets that were used in the expression of Christian devotion in Western Europe.‘Gothic’ was originally a derogatory term coined by scholars during the Ren
2019年,一首Sing hallelujah to the lord在香港唱至街知巷聞,基督教一洗凡塵俗世眼中的「堅離地」形象,教徒在網民口中由「耶L」正名「基督徒」。然而,基督徒、教會以至《聖經》在外界心目中還有很多被曲解的地方尚待釐清:《聖經》中「我們應該順服掌權者」是否只被斷章取義?「政教分離」的本意原來不是「宗教不應牽涉政治」?信奉耶穌言行代表信奉教會規條?基督徒不得紋身食煙飲酒講粗口?
英國印度籍神學家傑亞拉賈教授(Professor Daniel Jeyaraj)讚揚伍德榮博士的著作,提出早期歐美傳教士在中國傳教的衝突,突顯了其後中國神學的發展主線。一種採用心如白紙(tabula-rasa)的方法,使一些傳教士打扮成中國人,卻與英國殖民及軍事當局合作,成為在中國不受歡迎的歐美文化、政治和經濟代理人;相反,另一種傳教士如馬禮遜及理雅各則欣賞中國人的智慧、哲學和道德的成就。這兩種截
This book expands on the long-standing debates about whether Christianity is a collaborator in or a liberating force against the oppressive patriarchal culture for women in Asia. Women have played an
Reshaping the Boundaries: The Christian Intersection of China and the West in the Modern Era brings new material and new insight to deepen our understanding of the multilayered, two-way flow of words,