Suitable for senior secondary and university students, teachers, and all users of English as reference or for self-study 7 practical strategies for clear and effective writing Over 2,000 example sentences throughout the book illustrate grammatical points and correct usage Contains a practical A-Z guide to the proper use of some 300 troublesome words Down-to-earth coverage of a broad range of topics of grammar and usage with detailed but easy-to-understand explanations and practice exercises (with answers) Topics that are likely to be weak spots of learners are given particular attention, such as subject-verb agreement, the number attribute of nouns, verb tenses, articles, prepositions, restrictive and non-restrictive clauses, participial phrases, conditional sentences, punctuation, parallel structure, reported speech, and word skills
香港是國際化城市,我們背靠祖國,也面向世界,兩文三語同樣重要,既要學好中文,更要掌握優良英語。學習英語不能囫圇吞棗,否則只會適得其反。本書第一部份〈時事短評〉,精選寫作水平高內容又有趣的英文文章,分析原文作者的寫法,介紹當中的句式、典故、俚語、詞彙的用法,希望讀者多了解英語之美,同時更了解文章的深層意思。第二部份〈政論英語〉,則是收錄葉劉淑儀在《南華早報》(SCMP)、《紐約時報》(The New
English Explained explores the areas of English grammar that are most affected by misinformation and confusion and supplies the learner with the knowledge to finally grasp the workings of this multifa
精選101首家傳戶曉唐宋詞,以創新手法翻譯為英語。按原詞韻律押韻,保留神韻,鏗鏘和諧。腳註解釋人名、地名、傳說、典故、隱喻及背,便於理解欣賞。101 most popular Tang and Sony lyrics in innovative English translations.Translated lyrics rhymed according to the original lyric