The origins of modern Daoism can be traced to the Church of the Heavenly Master (Tianshidao), reputedly established by the formidable Zhang Daoling. In 142 CE, according to Daoist tradition, Zhang was visited by the Lord on High, who named him his vicar on Earth with the title Heavenly Master. The d
This book adds richly not only to understanding of the unique form of Daoism in Central Hunan today, but to the entire fashi tradition that rose to prominence in the Song–Yuan. In the h
Empowered by Ancestors: Controversy over the Imperial Temple in Song China (960–1279) examines the enduring tension between cultural authority and political power in imperial China by inquiring into S
From early times, Daoist writers claimed to receive scriptures via revelation from heavenly beings. In numerous cases, these writings were composed over the course of many nights and by different medi
In 648 CE, Tang imperial authorities collected every copy of the Writ of the Three Sovereigns (Sanhuang wen) from the four corners of the empire and burned them. The formidable talismans at its core w
作者夏其龍神父:「天主教在這世界上,存在了近二千年之久。天主教傳到東方後,在中國、香港,亦有近千多年的歷史,教會至今仍是生氣勃勃。我們想了解天主教,最好的方法就是從歷史的角度開始。如果君士坦丁大帝沒有介入宗教,把天主教變成一個組織,今天它便不一定能成為普世宗教,而只在一些小地方、小村落流傳。在理清歷史的來龍去脈後,我們才會明白天主教的精神,抽絲剝繭地找到它的核心。」本書是三聯書店與Open Quo