These rich and lucidly composed personal essays on the author’s early life journeys in Portuguese Macau and British Hong Kong offer vivid remembrances of colonial landscapes, architectures, and liveli
Set in 1950s Hong Kong, The Road paints an evocative picture of comfortable colonial life, while at the same time presenting the local people with the shrewd understanding that the author had acquired
The city is Macao, the Portuguese settlement on the China Coast, as it was more than 200 years ago. The promises are those made by Englishmen to marry their Macao mistresses, only to leave them abando
“In these poems written over four decades, Louise Ho is from beginning to end a poet of Hong Kong, whether her subjects are local or cosmopolitan. She has a strong sense of place, a sharp and unillusi
阿五啡話成為讀者的心頭好,其實不只是因為它讓我們輕輕鬆鬆學英文,還因為阿五風趣的中文,能讀到幽默機智而又溫柔敦厚的中文,又學會英文,那是雙重的閱讀享受。簡易英語和生活英語,相當於1929年末英國學者Charles K. Ogden倡導的基本英語(Basic English),以850個英語單字表達要說的話。這850個單字全是常用的簡單單字。我們略加整理、說明,幫助初學英語的朋友掌握和應用這些單字,
""In these lectures, Paul Bove mounts a persuasive and moving defense of historical humanism against the pressures of authoritarian politics and their unwitting allies in academia on both left and rig
Beyond Brushtalk explores interactions between Japanese and Chinese writers during the golden age of such exchange, 1919 to 1937. During this period, there were unprecedented opportunities for exchang