Stay hungry, stay foolish可以如何引用?Less is more原來出自設計大師?還有拳王阿里的勵志金句:Suffer now and live the rest of your life a champion!√ 嚴選英語人士必懂經典潮句,從賈伯斯、Lady Gaga到拳王、披頭四,流行經典兼備;√ Where, Why, When快速解話:Where from:從何而來
The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself……最大的勝利莫過於勝過自己……看透柏拉圖的思想世界,感受各種可能選錄古希臘哲學家柏拉圖名言名句(中英對照),以短小篇幅,幫助學習者初步接觸柏拉圖及其作品,認識可供引用的名言。柏拉圖雖以哲學著稱,但他的名句涉及生命、死亡、教育及音樂等,容易令人產生共鳴,引起啟發,也可當作認識其人及概覽其名言的
Why so serious?這麼耳熟,出自哪部電影?Let sleeping dogs lie讓睡著的狗繼續睡,有甚麼弦外之音?You are the salt of the earth原來鹽也可以讚美人!√ 嚴選英語人士必懂金句,從蝙蝠俠、冰雪公主到老子、王爾德,流行古典兼備;√ Where, Why, When快速解話:Where from:從何而來?Why famous:為什麼成為金句?W
Developing new ideas out of old knowledge makes a teacher.溫故而知新,可以為師矣。看聖賢經典,獲取新領悟選錄中國聖賢孔子名言名句(中英對照),以短小篇幅,幫助學習者初步接觸孔子及其作品,認識可供引用的名言。本書特色:★ 幫助學習者打破對孔子望而生畏的感覺,引導其後進一步閱讀孔子相關的篇章。★ 小巧輕便,容易攜帶,方便讀者隨時閱讀。★ 中英對
They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they can see nothing but sea.看見大海一望無際就以為沒有陸地的人,都是不稱職的發現家。踏進培根的文字世界,發掘更多可能選錄英國著名哲學家培根名言名句(中英對照),以短小篇幅,幫助學習者初步接觸培根及其作品,認識可供引用的名言。本書特色:★ 幫助學習者打破
Li He is the bad-boy poet of the late Tang dynasty. He began writing at the age of seven and died at twenty-six from alcoholism or, according to a later commentator, “sexual dissipation,” or both. An
Revised and Updated Edition Since its first publication in French in 1977, Chinese Poetic Writing has been considered by many to be the most innovative study of Chinese poetry ever written, as we
Tracing China’s journey began from exploring rural revolution and reconstitutions of community in South China. Spanning decades of rural-urban divide, it finally uncovers China’s global reach and Hong
莎士比亞雖然逝世四百年,唯他的名聲,沒有隨時間流逝而沉寂,反而越來越響亮。 莎翁的澎湃創意是他最突出的特點,從他創造之新詞新語,如bloodstained、break the ice可略知一二,他戲劇裏出現的新詞短語,估計就達3,000多個,對現代英語的形成,舉足輕重。 莎翁的作品,無論是戲劇或十四行詩,都是接連不斷的創造和再創造,他的作品如同其人一樣,充滿動力,永垂不朽。
莎士比亞雖然逝世四百年,唯他的名聲,沒有隨時間流逝而沉寂,反而越來越響亮。莎翁的澎湃創意是他最突出的特點,從他創造之新詞新語,如bloodstained、break the ice可略知一二,他戲劇裏出現的新詞短語,估計就達3,000多個,對現代英語的形成,舉足輕重。莎翁的作品,無論是戲劇或十四行詩,都是接連不斷的創造和再創造,他的作品如同其人一樣,充滿動力,永垂不朽。
First published anonymously in 1804—its author remains unknown—Mirage is set in Guangzhou (Canton), some decades before the city was overwhelmed by the opium trade and the Opium War. Su Jishi, the ado