The Guodian manuscripts are a cache of literary and philosophical texts from the fourth century BCE, discovered in a Warring States–period tomb in China’s Hubei Province. Through detailed decipherment and textual analysis, Kuan-yun Huang investigates the historical and philosophical contexts of thes
In this ground‐breaking, posthumous study, the late Lo Jung‐pang discusses the geographic, political,and commercial factors that led to the emergence of seapower and a navy under the Ming. WhileZheng He and his seven expeditions have received some scholarly attention, few understand the longhistory
Chen Hansheng was not only a pioneer of modern Chinese social science, remembered for the villagestudies he organized by teams of researchers in the 1930s. He was also a political operative whosecareer as an underground and aboveground Communist activist spanned the twentieth century andthe globe. T
熊式一(1902–1991)是20世紀海外最知名的中國作家之一,陳寅恪曾以「海外林熊」之句將他與林語堂並舉。他在1934年將中國傳統劇目改編為英文戲劇《王寶川》,在倫敦連續演出約900場,由王室到平民,家喻戶曉。1935年,他成為了第一位登上百老匯舞台的中國導演,更被《紐約時報》(The New York Times)譽為「中國莎士比亞」。1943年創作的英文小說《天橋》亦大獲成功,被翻譯成了法、德、西、捷、荷等歐洲主要語言,暢銷歐美。但他的傳奇人生遠遠不止於創作,他還是中英雙語譯者、香港清華書院創校校長、BBC電台評論員、劇作家、藝術收藏家……曾經的風雲人物如今已消失在歷史中,與其一起被遺忘
紙紮世界是香港的縮影,反映了這座城市的嚮往、執迷和信念。134件紙紮品.中英雙語攝影文集看見極樂世界的衣食住行、吃喝玩樂捕捉薪火燒不盡的香港人情在紙紮的花花世界裏,祭品的形態和種類五花八門:日常用品從一把傘、一籠點心到一張八達通 ;抑或是億元紙鈔、豪華別墅與配備司機的轎車等奢侈品......祭祀者總能從林林總總的設計和款式中找到最切合逝者的祭品――每件紙紮品都代表著跨越陰陽的親密牽絆。紙紮世界也是香港的縮影,反映了這個城市的嚮往、執迷和信念。紙紮一件燒、一件現,化作煙縷穿越人間與冥界,在另一個國度建構一個更豐富多彩的香港。A bilingual photo book on Hong Kong'
Daoism is a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to the publication of original research articles exploring Daoism in its social and historical contexts from the pre-modern to the contemporary period. The journal encourages innovative research based on new documents and/or fieldworks.
The China Review is a continuation of China Review, an annual publication of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press since 1991. It publishes twice a year in April and October since 2001 and four issues per year starting from 2018; a scholarly journal covering various disciplines of study on Great
詩意與想像的嘉年華看西西的詩,看畫家們的詮釋,加上讀者自己的想像與理解,眾聲複調,文學藝術合該這般如此。27位香港藝術家 X 西西 另類動物書寫 X Jeniffer Freeley美國譯者協會Lucien Stryk翻譯大獎得主西西的動物詩,大部分是近年的新作,盡是奇思妙想,而民胞物與,充滿溫暖、關懷之情,明朗,親切,靈動,幽默,自有深意,寫來似跟動物通靈。總括而言,是為動物發聲,彼此平等、和平地相處,合而為「動物嘉年華」,並且邀來二十多位香港年輕畫家和插畫師參加盛會,每首詩配以不同的繪畫,畫風迥異,不拘一格,呈現多元異質。看西西的詩,看畫家們的詮釋,加上讀者自己的想像與理解,眾聲複調,文學