A trail-blazing political reformer and visionary thinker at the turn of the 20th century, Kang Youwei (1858–1927) envisioned a global utopia of human equality and solidarity. However, his advocacy of
Reformer, intellectual, colonial governor, Sir John Bowring was the archetype of the ambitious men who made Britain a leading global power in the nineteenth century. Born to a modest trading family, h
一部上世紀初,由孫中山口述,經其顧問美國人林百克筆錄整理而成的傳記 一個親歷了中國革命的美國人眼中的孫中山到底是怎樣的人?他究竟有何魅力,能夠鼓動大眾跟從他推翻一個專制王朝,從而建立共和呢? 美國人林百克是孫中山的追隨者與法律顧問,他追隨孫中山長達十五年之久,為撰寫孫中山傳記,他“費了許多日子搜集這種資料”,他甚至和孫中山“同居一起”。 本書原名Sun Yat-Sen and the Chines