Jonathan Stalling’s experimental approach to bridging art, poetics, and linguistics imagines a world where individual value systems are no longer translated into the language of other mediums, but foster conscious “interlanguages.” Stalling writes, “Meeting in the middle, ‘interlanguages’ are spaces where one learns a new language without having left one’s home fully behind; these situations can result in richly generative interlingual and intercultural estuaries which provide new ways of imagining.” Stalling’s conceptual language art fuses Classical Chinese poetics and linguistics with modern algorithms to create art installations and poetry that transform Chinese into English and English into Chinese in new and surprising ways.With a visual gallery of Stalling’s work, an interview with the artist, a critical introduction by the editor, and critical chapters written by the comparative literature scholar Timothy Billings and Chinese Linguist Liu Nian, the volume provides readers with a
人間有情,便有希望 2020年是歷經考驗的一年,疫情席捲全球,亦衝擊香港,社會停頓、經濟重創,本地市民的文娛活動更是寥寥難見。值此黯淡時刻,本書作者鄧予立將過去三百天在瑞士、法國、意大利、奧地利及英國等的所見所聞用鏡頭向我們展示出來,企能像黑暗中的一抹光,照亮疫情之下人們的生活。在歐陸大地行走的300天,透過作者的鏡頭,可以看到無聲無息的病毒給曾經熱鬧的名勝古跡蒙上了孤寂的面紗,熱門景點人煙稀少,路過的人們行色匆匆;但我們能看到更多的是鏡頭之外,這片閑適的大地其實也在閃耀着希望的光,震撼人心的哥德式建築,金光閃閃的雪山之巔,水鄉、名峰、大都會……這一切仿佛都在告訴我們:希望無處不在,黎明正在到來。 Where there is love, there is hope.