出外旅遊時,你曾經遇到以下情況嗎?買東西想討價還價,但覺得自己英文不靈光,不敢開口。在餐廳點牛排,侍應問How would you like that?,不曉得怎樣回答。碰到這些情況,如果口袋裡有一本隨身手冊可查,就可以馬上解決問題。本書按不同主題編寫遊客常用的典型對話,包括入境過關、入住酒店、購物、吃飯、娛樂、看病、緊急事故等,編排以一問一答為主,並按具體情況提供多個答案,讓讀者在不同情況下使用
This book explores the phenomenon of homonyms in English by analysing a selection of those with the most interesting histories. It not only illustrates how homonyms are used in various contexts but al
為甚麼說「木造的」有時可用「wooden」,有時卻一定要「made of wood」?說人身體健康用「He has a healthy body」為甚麼不行?文法上看起來沒錯呀!英文有時真的令人挺困擾。明明文法上看起來沒犯錯、符合黃金公式「S+V+O」,為甚麼就是不對呢?有些句子一眼看過去,經驗告訴你「這句子有錯」,卻說不出到底錯在哪裡,最終只能結巴地說「總之正確的英文就是不會這樣寫!」想知道?這
The main objective of Chinese-English Contrastive Grammar: An Introduction is to familiarize the reader with a subset of the learning difficulties and common errors in ESL/EFL pronunciation and lexico
《莎士比亞戲劇故事集》(Tales from Shakespeare)是英國散文家查爾斯•蘭姆和他的姊姊瑪麗•蘭姆將莎士比亞戲劇改編成的故事。本書屬於“滿FUN英文經典”系列,共分為三個小分冊,目前已出版《莎士比亞戲劇故事集》的第一個分冊。每冊收錄6-7個由蘭姆姐弟改編,原汁原味的莎士比亞戲劇故事,讓兒童讀者在有能力閱讀莎士比亞原著劇本之前,了解莎劇著名故事,體會十九世紀改編者的精妙文筆,并輔以英
「英為中用」對我有難以抗拒的吸引力。於我而言,最好的寫作不是規規矩矩而是字字珠璣。to write not only grammatically but also epigrammatically當英文遇上中文,就像冷暖空氣會合,產生很多警句雋語的雷雨和閃電。Our life is the sum of our choices. 正是一例。
Having analysed the most common English errors made in over 600 academic papers written by Chinese undergraduates, postgraduates, and researchers, Steve Hart has written an essential, practical guide
Understanding English Homonyms: Their Origins and Usage explores the phenomenon of homonyms in English by analysing a selection of those with the most interesting histories. This book not only illustr
《Cobuild英語語法系列》輯錄現代英語重要語法及用法專題知識,編排清楚,使用方便,配上取材自Cobuild語料庫(The Bank of English)的地道英語例證,為中級英語程度的學習者提供正確可靠、豐富實用的英語知識。 本書特點: ‧ 第一部份收錄100多個介詞,對介詞的不同用法有詳盡的解釋,並附例句說明。‧ 第二部份列出4,000多個常與介詞搭配使用的詞彙,當讀者遇到這類搭配詞,能快
In 1960, Lin published the collection of stories Memories of Peking: South Side Stories and established her name in Taiwan's literary circle. Based on five sequential stories of a Taiwanese family liv