9784440450076 Usborne Lift-the-Flap First Questions and Answers系列 (共20本)包含以下書目9781474991513 What Is a Virus? (硬頁翻翻書)9781474986434 Where Does Poo Go? (硬頁翻翻書)9781474989008 How Can I Be Kind? (硬頁翻翻書)9781474940085 How Do Animals Talk? (硬頁翻翻書)9781409582137 How Do Flowers Grow? (硬頁翻翻書)9781474948180 What Are Feelings? (硬頁翻翻書)9781474995795 What Is Racism? (硬頁翻翻書)9781409598817 What Makes It Rain? (硬頁翻翻書)9781474920520 What's It Like in Space? (硬頁翻翻書)9781474982139 Where Do Animals Go In Winter? (硬頁翻翻書)9781409598824 Where Do Babies Come From? (硬頁翻翻書)9781474920537 Where Does My Food Go? (硬頁翻翻書)9781474979887 Why Do Things Die? (硬頁翻翻書)9781474948197 Why Do Tigers Have Stripes?(硬頁翻翻書)9781474917933 Why Do We Need Bees? (硬頁翻翻書)9781474996099 Why Do We Need Trees? (硬頁翻翻書)9781474948173 Why Does the Sun Shine? (硬頁翻翻書)9781803701974 Why Is It Dark at Night? (硬頁翻翻書)9781409598800 How does my body work? (硬頁翻翻書)
孩子的第一本英文故事書以活潑有趣的繪本生活故事,啟發孩子的英文閱讀興趣,同時培養孩子的品格力!給孩子一雙品格翅膀,讓他們飛得更高看得更遠!BE YOUR BEST! 做最好的自己!父母送給孩子最棒的成長禮物本書藉由八個生活小故事,透過主角萊恩在家裡和學校所發生的事件,引導孩子學習到遵守約定、禮敬父母、愛惜物品、學習同理、有責任感、尊重別人、勇敢認錯、學習分享、友愛手足等重要的品格教養觀念,打造正確的價值觀與良好的禮儀習慣,培養正向品格力!本書適合親子共讀,搭配點讀筆隨點隨聽,輕鬆自然增進英語力,同時促進親子關係。每篇故事附有「教養補給站」,引導父母與孩子的交流,培養孩子思考及表達能力增進親子互動時光!本書附有中英雙語故事MP3音檔及點讀筆音檔(需搭配點讀筆使用)。
Join a mother duck as she counts her five ducklings in this interactive board book based on the beloved children’s song. Withfive slider mechanisms. A QR code inside links to both instrumental and voc
Learn all about opposites with this quirky cast of animal characters by award-winning illustrator, Britta Teckentrup. Big ideas for little learners! 商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
Look out! There’s a mammoth on the loose! Follow Oscar through a magical museum of curious creatures to find the mammoth before the clock strikes one! Is he munching sandwiches with Diplodocus Dave in
Learn to count with this quirky cast of animal characters by award-winning illustrator, Britta Teckentrup. Big ideas for little learners! 商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
Paper engineer Andy Mansfield pushes the boundaries of pop-ups as we know them in his spectacular new book -a mind-boggling 3D maze adventure! Journey through seven 3D labyrinths, each one trickier