★本書榮獲1992年西班牙加泰隆尼亞國際插畫雙年展大獎★朗朗上口的生動民間故事×處處埋藏玄機的精緻細膩圖繪,讓歷久彌新的經典繪本,啟動孩子的觀察力與想像力,增進中英雙語閱讀素養! 一月一,年初一。一月二,年初二。年初三,早上床,今夜老鼠娶新娘。 大小老鼠來幫忙,抬花轎,搬嫁妝,新郎新娘早拜堂。一拜堂,二拜堂, 三拜堂來入洞房。 這是一則流傳在臺灣的民間故事。老鼠村長的女兒要拋繡球選新郎,不料,一隻黑貓衝進來攪亂了局面。為了女兒的幸福,老鼠村長決定找一個比貓還強、全世界最強的女婿。左思右想,他覺得太陽是全世界最強的,於是跑去找太陽。可是,烏雲遮住了太陽,風吹散了烏雲,牆擋住了風……,到底誰才是老鼠村長最理想的女婿呢? 故事中的老鼠村就位在人類家園的牆角下,繪者劉宗慧在一開始的三幅畫,就巧妙運用微觀與巨觀的對比,透過鏡頭的連續推近,從人類的視野慢慢壓低到老鼠的視野,讓老鼠的國度與人類的世界構成了有趣的畫面。全書充滿豐富細節的圖像,不僅有許多地方讓人莞爾一笑,也發展出文本之外的另一種敘事角度。 The wise old head of a small mouse village has a big problem. It is time for his beautiful young daughter to get married. But the old mouse wants to find her the most powerful husband in the world, to protect her from the vicious cat that is terrorizing his village. Setting off on a long journey, the old mouse leader intends to ask the Sun to marry his daughter. But he soon finds the Cloud is stronger. He then asks the Cloud, but to his surprise sees that the Wind is even greater. The Wind