◎米亞有記憶以來,幾乎所有令她記憶深刻的精彩歡樂時光好像都有妹妹艾瑪在場。◎現今16歲的米亞決定將與艾瑪最美好的童年記錄成一篇篇故事,並成為一本紀念冊。◎沒有人生勵志與格言,其實我們需要的,就是那麼一點簡單的童心。《米亞與艾瑪》講述了一對相差兩歲的姐妹溫馨又好笑的日常。姐姐米亞性格成熟内斂,是一個心底藏著許多事情的大姐姐。米亞最喜歡穿小花裙子以及任何帶有亮片的東西。妹妹艾瑪古靈精怪,年紀雖然不大但總是有著許多奇奇怪怪的點子,一顆小腦袋裡不知道裝了多少古怪的想法,你永遠都猜不到她到底在想些什麽!就是這樣一對從頭到脚一點也不一樣的姐妹,讓平凡的生活充滿了歡樂的色彩!她們吵架,和好,一起冒險,又常常一起做出一些讓媽媽頭大的事情,但這不妨礙她們始終是彼此最好的朋友。翻開這本書來跟米亞和艾瑪一起度過一個快樂的童年吧!“Mia and Emma” is a collection of stories of Mia who is the older sister, and Emma who is the younger.Mia is quiet and thoughtful, and prefers dresses with flowers on them, and anything and everything sparkly. While Emma is mom and dad’s biggest headache. Emma has the weirdest ideas and the most bizarre thoughts; you can never guess what Emma is up to next! Just like that, two very different sisters.They fight, make up, go on adventures together, and do silly things that give mum headaches. But no matter what, Mia and Emma remain each other’s forever best friend.◎代理經銷:白象文化更多精彩內容請見http://www.pressstore.com.tw/freereading/9786267189115.