The pages in this book can be pulled out and transformed into beautiful thank you cards, gift boxes and gift tags! Lovingly designed by collage artist and papercraft expert Ellen Giggenbach, each page
The pages in this book can be pulled out and transformed into beautiful birthday greetings cards, gift boxes and gift tags! Lovingly designed by collage artist and papercraft expert Ellen Giggenbach,
Make your own amazing paper craft creations. From Foldies and origami to projects to cut-out and assemble, this book is full of things to make with a square. Make origami animals, paper lanterns, bunt
小孩也可以玩手作!無塑化劑疑慮,天然櫸木,台灣設計製造,三款可愛的編織器,好編好握,so fun so easy!孩子的第一套手作編織組,自己動手織出最棒的禮物。 ※設計理念:「巧手編織器」含有三種編織器,讓孩子有多樣的編織體驗。天然櫸木材質、可愛的動物造型,適合幼兒抓握。兔子編織器可以織成項鍊、手環、花,獅子編織器為手環編織器,透過簡單的規則就可以編出手環,圈圈編織器可以編出筒狀的作品,做出圍巾
國KOSMOS暢銷牌卡遊戲「髒小豬」+「大魚吃小魚」限量禮物組,趣味遊戲讓大人小孩都忍不住一玩再玩,附贈專用卡牌套,保護牌卡玩得更盡興!快來讓自己的小豬成為最可愛的髒小豬,並一起進入瘋狂刺激的海底世界吧! 產品介紹: 髒小豬:榮獲德國2012年度最佳遊戲獎(Spiel des Jahres - Auf der Empfehlungsliste 2012)的牌卡遊戲。適合多人共玩的策略遊戲
Meet the dinosaur friends on their very busy day! This charming gift set contains a storybook, jigsaw and four chunky wooden toys, with illustrations by Samantha Meredith and Kasia Nowowiejska. Read t
Meet the zoo friends on their very busy day! This charming gift set contains a storybook, jigsaw and four chunky wooden toys, with illustrations by Sarah Ward. Read the story and join the animal fun!&
In this book, collage artist and papercraft expert Ellen Giggenbach has brought together twelve of her favourite Christmas stationery projects for you to make and give during the festive season. Each