While fractions are typically difficult to master, this game makes learning them as easy as eating a fruit salad! Includes four fruit salad plates, a fraction die, and 15 pieces of fruit: 2 pear halve
Explore language using these picture cards which show a word describing a cat, along with four synonyms. A prompt card suggest activity and game ideas. Based on the Our Cat Cuddles Story.
A non-fiction game that encourages children to consider the needs of others and teaches them how to look after a variety of different animals. Collect all the items you need for your pet to lead a hea
An entertaining, educational quartet game, in which we learn to recognise 'families' of musical instruments. A great companion to 'The Musical Life of Gustav Mole' and 'The Lost Music'.
An hilarious game in which children use their sense of touch to distinguish pieces of different shapes and sizes. Great for learning about shapes and developing descriptive vocabulary.