化學命名原則主要參考國際純化學暨應用化學聯合會命名法(IUPAC:International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)所公布的命名原則辦理修訂。本修訂版(第四版)依化合物之分類,逐一列述其化學命名原則,作為化合物中譯名之參考準則。內容包括「定名總則」、「元素」、「一般有機化合物」、「特殊有機化合物」、「無機化合物」及「有機金屬」六部分。所附五項附錄,
This book is a written version of a lecture course that I have conducted over anumber of years at National Tsing Hua University on the subject of mathematical methods for physics. In response to stude
因應學校國際化及日益增加的外籍學生,化學系以「大學普通化學實驗」為主幹,編寫英文版本之「Experiments in General Chemistry」,全書共計29個實驗,內容涵蓋基礎實驗技能訓練,化學原理之印證與應用,有機、無機化合物及材料之合成與性質鑑定,是專為本校一年 級外籍或僑生同學所編寫之英文版普通化學實驗教材。
Five special topics in Electromagnetics are covered in this book which can be taught as a graduate course in Electromagnetics. The prerequisite to understand this book is some experience in undergradu