專論ARTICLES 4淺談農地消失對蛙類的生存威脅Impacts of agricultural land loss on the survival of amphibians林湧倫、林大利、楊懿如Yung-Lun Lin . Da-Li Lin . Yi-Ju Yang 特輯REPORTS 16人為活動對蓮華池豎琴蛙之威脅與保育行動Impacts of human activities on the population of harpist frog, Nidirana okinavana , in Lienhuachih Experimental Forest and the corresponding conservation action林春富、傅昭憲、陳運萱、蔡雅芬Chun-Fu Lin . Jhao-Sian Fu . Yun-Shiuan Chen . Ya-Fen Tsai 28世界刺毒魚類簡介Introduction of venomous fishes of the world曹德祺Tak-Kei Chou 42有點熟又不太熟的臺灣產浮萍類植物Lemnoideae of Taiwan, superficially familiar but not so if looking closely林家榮Chia-Long Lin 保育資訊INFORMATION 54圓白星椿象的多配偶現象Polygamy in Eysarcoris guttigerus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)鹿兒陽Erh-Yang Lu 62臺灣本島新紀錄蟬種──黃蟪蛄First record of Platypleura hilpa (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) on Taiwan Island陳建宏、王惟加、程志中Jian-Hong Chen . Uika Ong . Jyh-Jong Cherng 68翠翼鳩夏秋育雛全紀錄Observation of the breeding behavior of Asian Emerald Dove, Chalcophaps indica , in Taiwan鄭清文Cing-Wun Jheng 7
本書內容包含特輯REPORTS 4蘇花改特輯關於蘇花工程師的理性與感性An engineer's perceptual and rational thoughts on Suhua Highway楊家正Chia-Cheng Yang 20蘇花改特輯探尋蘇花公路沿線的蝙蝠多樣性Exploring the diversity of bats along the Suhua High