自然保育季刊春季刊2024年3月 第125期NATURE CONSERVATION QUARTERLY NO.125 Mar. 2024/SPRING目錄CONTENTS專論ARTICLES4澳洲蘇鐵與授粉象鼻蟲的前世今生The evolutionary mysteries of the Australian Cycad-Weevil pollination system蕭昀Yun Hsiao特輯REPORTS20恆春半島的植物秘境:高士佛Kusukusu: a place full of flora mystery in Hengchun Peninsula楊智凱、張藝翰、黃立彥、李德福、張美惠、陳美惠Chih-Kai Yang. Yi-Han Chang. Li-Yen Huang. Tjuked Papalicang. Vavua Papalicang. Mei-Hui Chen38空谷幽蘭:壽山的蘭科植物介紹Solitary orchid in the silent valley: introduction to Orchidaceae plants in Shoushan盧永哲、呂長澤Yong-Zhe Lu. Chang-Tse Lu50臺灣植物誌新成員(2018–2023年)New additions to the flora of Taiwan (2018–2023)陳柏豪、趙建棣、鍾安晴Po-Hao Chen. Chien-Ti Chao. An-Ching Chung特有生物ENDEMIC SPECIES62公民科學家參與國土生態綠網調查──纖紅蜻蜓棲地及生態初探Preliminary study done by citizen scientists on the habitats and ecology of Sympetrum nantouensis through Taiwan Ecological Network邱美蘭、顏新珠、彭國棟Mei-Lan Chiu. Sing-Chu Yen. Kuo-Dong Peng保育資訊INFORMATION72鹽田的再生:乾涸之地的水鳥樂園The rebirth of salt pans: a waterfowl paradise in arid lands林瑞興、黃書彥Ruey-Shing Lin.
本報告為臺灣第2次依據國際自然保育聯盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN)建議類別與標準對所有原生鳥種進行國家鳥類紅皮書名錄評估。本次評估共涵蓋686種鳥類,其中368種被評定為不適用(Not Applicable)於區域評估篩選門檻,318種進入了詳細的評估流程。在臺灣國家受脅(Nationally Threatened)鳥種或亞種中,有 6種或亞種被列為國家極危(Nationally Critical),12種或亞種被列為國家瀕危(Nationally Endangered),29種或亞種被列為國家易危(Nationally Vulnerable),另有41種或亞種歸類為國家接近受脅(Nationally Near-threatened)。還有1種鳥類因資料缺乏(Data Deficient),尚未能確定其受脅程度。國家受脅及接近受脅鳥種數分別占評估鳥種數的14.7%及12.8%,以及總鳥種數的6.8%及5.9%。此外,在臺灣出現的全球受脅鳥種共有46種,其中14種屬於國家受脅,2種屬於國家接近受脅,1種為國家暫無危機,其餘29種則被列為不適用。與2016年臺灣鳥類紅皮書名錄相比,此次正式評估鳥種名單增加2種,但有4種發生變動,其中2種因分類變動而新納入,1種因更新的分布資訊而被包括在內,另外1種則因遷留屬性的認定調整而被列為不適用,從而從正式評估名單中移除。自2016年以來,有26種或亞種的受脅類別提高,而30種或亞種的受脅類別降低,但仍需審慎評估類別變動屬於資料更新或真實保育狀態的變動。
自然保育季刊冬季刊2023年12月 第124期NATURE CONSERVATION QUARTERLY NO.124 Dec. 2023/WINTER目錄CONTENTS 特輯REPORTS 04小辮鴴在臺度冬時的日夜行為模式Day and night behavioral patterns of northern lapwings (Vanellus vanellus) when they spend their winter in Taiwan池沛玲、吳崇漢、陳其昌Pei-Ling Chi. Chung-Han Wu. Chi-Chang Chen 18廣義恆春半島內開花植物新見Addition to the Angiosperm Flora of Hengchun Peninsula sensu lato鍾明哲Ming-Jer Jung 28花蓮鶴岡文旦果園地被植物生態概述An overview of groundcover plants in the pomelo orchards at Hegang, Hualien陳柏蓉、陳添水、朱恩良、黃安珠Po-Jung Chen. Tien-Shui Chen. En-Liang Chu. An-Zhu Huang 40為鳥兒戴上腳環身分證──捕獲、標記及野放下的鳥兒點點名What do we band birds for?曾奕晴Sunny Tseng 50臺灣土白蟻的婚配過程與生殖行為觀察Documenting the mating process and reproductive behaviors of Odontotermes formosanus許坤金Kun-Chin Hsu 特有生物ENDEMIC SPECIES 62關於呂氏菝葜命名經過的回顧The story of naming Smilax luei T. Koyama呂錦明Chin-Ming Lu 保育資訊INFORMATION 68自動相機前的烏來西坑林道野生動物相The wildlife community recorded by camera traps in the Sikeng Forest Road, Wulai許碩恩、許韶廷、林艷村
自然保育季刊秋季刊2023年9月 第123期NATURE CONSERVATION QUARTERLY NO.123 Sep. 2023/AUTUMN目錄CONTENTS 專論ARTICLES 4臺灣生物分布資料樣態與 轉化為空間資訊後的保育應用Types of species distribution data collected by citizen scientists and the conservational applications after transformed into spatial information in Taiwan 陳宛均Wan-Jyun Chen 特輯REPORTS18「蘭」截目光──蔓莖山珊瑚A new population of an eye- catching orchid,Erythrorchis altissima, found in Taiwan 盧永哲、姜淮晨、呂長澤Yong-Zhe Lu. Huai-Chen Chiang. Chang-Tse Lu 28 蟹蟹再聯絡── 綠島陸蟹調查紀實On-the-spot report of the investigation of terrestrial crabs on Green Island 林宗政Tzong-Jeng Lin 保育資訊INFORMATION44人醫與獸醫協力搶救石虎── 談石虎「壽司」的人間故事Cooperation between the human doctors and the veterinarians: the rescue storyof the leopard cat “Sushi” 詹芳澤、陳秀慧、林育秀、劉佩珊Fang-Tse Chan. Siou-Huei Chen. Yu-Hsiu Lin. Pei-Shan Liu 52大冠鷲農藥中毒治療經驗談 Experience of treating insecticide poisoned crested serpent eagles, Spilornis cheela 林桂賢、詹芳澤、張品御、董佳穎Kuei-Shien Lin. Fang-Tse Chan. Pin-Yu Chang. Chia-Ying Tung 60「貝」害妄想── 淺談吃水生螺貝類的 掠食性魚類Who is
自然保育季刊夏季刊2023年6月 第122期NATURE CONSERVATION QUARTERLY NO.122 JUN. 2023/ SUMMER目錄CONTENTS 專論ARTICLES 4《昆明–蒙特婁生物多樣性行動框架》誕生!全球未來最重要的政策與行動方向Here comes the "Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework", one of the most important documents directing future global policies and acts in biodiversity conservation林瑞興Ruey-Shing Lin 18懷念推動自然與地景保育的一代宗師──王鑫教授In memory of Professor Shin Wang, the grandmaster of nature and landscape conservation許玲玉Ling-Yuh Sheu 特輯REPORTS 28運用公民科學方式進行高雄蛙類大調查A frog survey conducted in Kaohsiung by citizen scientists楊懿如、李承恩Yi-Ju Yang. Cheng-En Li 42幫鳥兒建樓房──倉鴞巢箱建造大隊Constructing nest boxes for barn owl conservation曾奕晴Sunny Tseng 50探索臺灣的貓蛛屬蜘蛛Introduction of the Oxyopes spiders in Taiwan羅英元Ying-Yuan Lo 62離島之上──被遺漏的麝香百合Lilium longiflorum var. longiflorum, a neglect lily on the nearby islands of Taiwan趙建棣Chien-Ti Chao保育資訊INFORMATION 70我們都愛吃珊瑚!白結螺與紫口珊瑚螺,誰才是珊瑚殺手?We, Drupella cornus and Coralliophila violacea, both love to eat corals! However, who is the coral killer?譚之叡Chih-Jui