內容包括 Mark Larrimore教授的Theodicy, Disenchantment and the Theory of Religion、顧賓教授的Religion and History: Towards the Problem of Faith in Chinese Tradition、林鴻信教授的宗教與宗教性的辯證、李淑珍教授的現代中國知識分子的信仰蛻變——論李叔同/弘一的
【論文】劉瓊云:聖教與戲言—— 論世本《西遊記》中意義的遊戲Sacred Teaching and Facetious Talk: Playing with Meanings in the Shidetang Journey to the West胡曉真:離亂杭州—— 戰爭記憶與杭州記事文學Hangzhou in Disorder: War Memory and Event-Recording T
【論文】劉瓊云:聖教與戲言—— 論世本《西遊記》中意義的遊戲Sacred Teaching and Facetious Talk: Playing with Meanings in the Shidetang Journey to the West胡曉真:離亂杭州—— 戰爭記憶與杭州記事文學Hangzhou in Disorder: War Memory and Event-Recording T