國家衛生研究院匯集院內各研究單位2010年之研究成果,編撰成此國家衛生研究院100年報。內容包括院長的話,6個研究所、2個研究組、2個研究中心的主要研究成果,以及國家衛生研究院電話一覽表與交通與院區圖。This report outlines NHRI’s research highlights and achievements in the year 2010. Despite having t
The National Health Insurance (NHI) program was launched on March 1, 1995. All citizens and foreigners with Alien Resident Certificate and resided in Taiwan for 4 months are required to enroll in the
The National Health Insurance (NHI) program was launched on March 1, 1995. All citizens and foreigners with Alien Resident Certificate and resided in Taiwan for 4 months are required to enroll in the
介紹結核病的基本知識及防治觀念。例如:肺結核的傳染途徑主要是空氣傳染,傳染性的肺結核患者經由咳嗽、打噴嚏將肺或咽喉中的細菌排放至空氣中,被旁邊的人吸入而造成感染。Introduction to the basic knowledge and prevention of Tuberculosis. For example, TB is spread through the air from one