《中國與拉美》(China and Latin America)是一個新創的實行同行評議的輯刊,該輯刊依託於教育部“國別和區域研究培育基地”西南科技大學拉美研究中心的平臺優勢,著重刊登體現“中國在拉美”和“拉美在中國”的相關社會科學與人文科學研究成果,鼓勵基於田野調查的精細研究,特別鼓勵跨學科的具有開拓新領域和引發新討論的論文。每輯有相對集中主題,刊登專業論文,並設有常規欄目“拉美研究關鍵詞”、“訪談”和“書評”等,全面展示拉美研究的新成果。
本書以旅行日記的形式,講述了阿根廷著名媒體人伍志偉(Gustavo Ng)作為早移民阿根廷的華人的後代,次遊歷祖先國度尋根的經歷。他從香港出發,一路北上,行至新疆,後到達上海,走遍了中國20多個城市,行程一萬多公裡。他用文字、照片,以及與中國著名文人的對話等形式,以個人經歷服務於中國與阿根廷,甚至拉美人民的友誼。In the form of traveling dairy, this book tells the story of the famous Argentine media person, Mr. Gustavo Ng, who traveled to his ancestral country to find his roots for the first time, as a descendant of earliest Chinese immigrants to Argentina. He set off from Hong Kong, travelled northward to Xinjiang, and finally arrived Shanghai, having travelled more than 20 cities, covering a distance of more than 10,000 kilometers. With words, photographs and dialogues with famous Chinese literati, he recorded his personal experience to deepen the friendship between the people of China and Argentine, and even Latin America.