DescriptionCOBUILD Advanced American English DictionaryFor upper-intermediate and advanced learners of EnglishBe confident in English‧Up-to-date coverage of American English, with full-sentence defini
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With over 155,000 synonyms and antonyms, this comprehensive and affordable paperback thesarurus provides alternatives for about 9,000 common English words. It also gives words with the opposite mean
The popular portable dictionary has brand-new cover and two-color interior design!The Scholastic Dictionary of Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homonyms--a widely successful reference title--is getting a makeo
‧ More than 70,000 entries ‧ Thoroughly revised and updated ‧ 2,500 new words and meanings ‧ More than 400 photographs and illustrations ‧ Expert guidance on correct usage YOU ARE YOUR WORDS The words
What is the link between map and apron, acrobat and oxygen, zeal and jealousy, flour and pollen, secret and crime? Did you know that crimson originally comes from the name of tiny scale insects, the k
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