Sentence Writing is a low-level writing course for learners of American English. It introduces students to the most common and useful structures in basic written English, so that they can express them
跨文化專家執筆,精準傳授完美履歷dos and donts!本書兩位作者從事英語教學多年,編寫過多本英語學習叢書,深知華人學習者的需求與盲點。書中除傳授英文履歷必通要領外,並隨時提點成功履歷的準則與禁忌,擁有本書就像英文家教在側,再也不用擔心英文不好壞了好資歷!漸進式學習指引,靠自己就能寫出專業英文履歷!履歷寫作針對標題 (Heading)、目標 (Objective)、資歷摘要(Summary
A well written application essay gives students a big advantage in the admission process at many of the nation best colleges and universities. This book guides prospective college entrants through th
Preparing a resume that will attract prospective employers is a two-part exercise. First comes knowing how to summarize and advertise one’s skills and background clearly and concisely. Just as importa
A proven program to win more clients, connections, and referrals Get Noticed . . . Get Referrals is your one-stop guide to using powerful self-promotion techniques to get noticed by potential new cli
With a combined process and product approach, Writing to Communicate helps students progress from the basics of paragraph writing to the development to full-length essays. The text's models and exerci