Zhou Zuoren (1885-1967) was the most esteemed Chinese exponent of the familiar essay in the first half of the twentieth century, and he continues to be widely read and studied. The appeal of his essay
Despereaux Tilling the mouse, Roscuro the rat, and a serving girl named Miggery Sow join forces and embark on an adventure during which they encounter grave danger and ultimate triumph. B&w illust
A Cottager's Sketchbook is a collection of informal essays written by Liang Shih-chiu over a span of more than four decades. The earliest pieces originally appeared in a weekly in the wartime capital
去年大專聯考英文作文題目是 “Travel is the Best Teacher”,參與閱卷的交通大學教授廖柏森在《聯合報》〈民意論壇〉發表他的看法:「考生寫起外國城市、博物館、遊樂園、節慶和文化都還算流利;但寫到國內的旅行經驗,卻很難拼寫出對的地名和景點,描述本地風土民情也是左支右絀,可見學生對本土事物的英文字彙掌握不足,無法表達地方性的題材和生活經驗」。由於這個觸發,文庭澍和Catherin