Set in an old teahouse in Beijing, the play is one of Lao She’s finest works, sketching a panorama of Chinese history and culture during the transformative period from tradition to modernity. Teahouse
世界名言的啟示感動世界的名言 Make your writing and speech more powerful! 常煩惱字彙量不夠,老是記不住新字詞?曼殊斐兒說:「一旦我們養成閱讀的習慣,字句的意義,就會在不知不覺之間,存入我們的腦中。」(Once we have learned to read, meaning of words can somehow register without
有聲書字彙量:1300 美國新英格蘭區的一座豪宅發生命案,被害人是男主人麥可‧葛瑞。警方派年輕貌美的女警探 K 前來調查。這是 K 負責偵辦的第一件案子,她發現屋子裡的人,包括女主人、女主人之弟、男主人 舊日軍中同袍、年輕女祕書,還有女管家,每個人都有嫌疑,每個人都有犯案的動機,可是 K 找不到任何犯案的證據,現場也找不到凶器,但確信男主人不是自殺的…… 這本推理小說,搭配戲劇情境式CD,
This volume features two of the most acclaimed stories by Mao Dun. Whereas "The Shop of the Lin Family" records the bankruptcy of traditional commercial system as a result of foreign economic invasion