Selected Stories of Shen Congwen collects six representative and classic stories from the author's most mature period, in the 1930s and 1940s. Each piece is permeated with contradictions, particularly
Pocahontas is the touching story of an Indian princess whose courage saved a white man's life. No one could have imagined that Pocahontas would be the first Indian to marry a white man!寶嘉康蒂是印地安一個部落首領的
奧列佛是狄更斯筆下最出名的孤兒。他不堪忍受老板的折磨,身無分文地逃到倫敦。惡劣的環境、重重的誤會、人性的黑暗面,包圍著奧列佛。在流浪中他歷盡艱辛。但奧列佛始終保持純真的心,對生命抱有希望,憑藉這種執著,他最終脫離困境。本書配有英式英語錄音CD、彩色插圖、英語練習(包括Cambridge PET及Trinity Test Grade 4-5)、專門章節介紹相關背景資料,特別適合初、中級程度讀者作為閱