本書探討了飲食文化和技術之間的複雜關係,其中包括口味、品嚐和分銷等各種問題,因為它們從技術的物質和非物質方面出現並涉及到技術的物質和非物質方面。 這些辯證法對於我們理解食物品質、文化偏好、身份和界限、飲食文化的全球化以及我們創造和生活的所有感官景觀至關重要。This book examines the complex relationship between food cultures and technologies, which encompasses the diverse issues of taste, tasting, and distribution as they emerge from and engage both material and non-material aspects of technology. These dialectics are crucial for our understanding of food qualities, cultural preferences, identities and boundaries, the globalization of food cultures, and above all the sensescapes we create and live in.
LI, YIH-YUAN MEMORIAL LECTURE 李亦園院士紀念講座專文1 Bourdieu and the Politics of Symbolic Violence布迪厄與象徵暴力的政治Ghassan HageRESEARCH ARTICLES 研究論文25 成為「當地人」:馬來西亞混血華人Sino的非類屬性文化認同Becoming “Native”: The Unkinded Cultural Identity of Malaysian Mixed-Blood Chinese SinoBernard Ng Jia Han 吳佳翰79 與物之生:北京「蟲魚花鳥市場」的民族誌研究Becoming-with in a More-than-Human World: An Ethnographic Researchon the “Insect-Fish-Flower-Bird” Markets in BeijingI-yi Hsieh 謝一誼115 持續延展的生命傳記:中央研究院民族學研究所1950至1960年代臺灣原住民族的「田野照片」An Ever-Extending Biography: “Field Photos” of the Indigenous Peoplesin Taiwan from the 1950s to the 1960s in the Institute of Ethnology,Academia SinicaWen-ling Lin 林文玲Taiwan Journal ofAnthropology臺灣人類學刊Volume 20第二十卷Number 1第一期June 2022二○二二年六月◆本刊為「臺灣社會科學引文索引」資料庫(TSSCI)收錄期刊BOOK REVIEWS FORUM 書評論壇Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender in Western Hunan during theModern Era: The Dao among the Miao?168 前言Chen-yang Kao 高晨揚169 以「跨雜糅性」(trans-hybridity)作為「批判性方法論」基礎的未盡之路Jen-chieh Ting 丁仁傑175 苗漢之間:道不同 自相為謀Fu-chen Chiang 蔣馥蓁180 論湘西苗族宗