Following on from Writers at Work: The Paragraph and Writers at Work: the Short Composition, Writers at Work: The Essay will teach the basics of academic essay writing to intermediate-level students.
Helping students make quick, visible improvements and gain confidence, this course follows a step-by-step approach to making speeches and giving presentations.Key benefits include:*a clear six-step ap
The Heinle Picture Dictionary for Children is the only children's dictionary that presents vocabulary within thematic readings and offers opportunities for multi-level practice of every word introduce
In this classic text, Christine Nuttall examines and breaks down the skills we use in reading. Based on this analysis, she suggests practical strategies you can immediately use in the classroom to hel
With a fresh new design and a host of updated exercises and activities, the popular Focus on Grammar series is more practical and accessible than ever. Known for its focus on English grammar throug
1.本書共有40個單元收錄資訊技術上各類單字。2.主題包括文字處理、財務的軟體和資料庫、多媒體申請、電子郵件,網設計和網際網路安全。3.可做為自學參考和練習書,亦適合做為教室課堂用書。 Professional English in Use ICT is suitable for intermediate to advanced level learners of English. The bo
本書專為東亞學生設計,共分四冊,內容著重聽說讀寫四技在真實世界中的運用,讓學習者通過層層障礙,增加用英語溝通的自信心。內容特色:.內容風趣幽默,含蓋東西文化素材.難度循序漸進,適時把文法、單字、結構和發音等融入各項單元.單元設計兼顧不同程度學習者的需求Breakthrough is a new four-level English course for young adult and adult