Mega Goal is a dynamic American English series for international communication designed for teenagers and young adults that takes students from absolute beginners to high-intermediate level. The Intro
新時代全方位的翻譯工具書! 她是個好廚師。 She is a good cooker. She is a good cook. 到底哪一句才是正確的翻譯? 這句中文,你翻對了嗎? 本書收錄最容易犯的英語錯誤約2000條,以淺顯易懂的文字解說正確的用法,不僅是準備各類考試翻譯寫作的最佳自修工具書,可增進你的英文翻譯、寫作能力,更進而讓你成為翻譯高手!
The papers presented in this volume are a selection from the 2009 LTTC International Conference on English Language Teaching and Testing, hosted by The Language Training and Testing Center (LTTC) on M
Professional Path English系列由國立成功大學專業英文團隊研發而成,是全台灣第一套以ESP(English For Specific Purposes,專業英文)概念設計,並針對不同學科領域需求所設計而成的全方位英語教材。本書特色:★本書包含四則企業案例:玉山銀行、保力達、KPMG(安侯建業)和太平洋自行車,深入探討該企業獨到的管理法則:人資管理、危機處理、風險管
Lesson Planner forms enable teachers to plan and time instruction at two different levels: Low-Beginning/Literacy and Beginning. These forms offer a convenient framework for step-by-step planning of c
American Inspiration is a motivating and sophisticated four-level English course that takes teenage ss from beginner to a high intermediate level. The material evolves with its ss and the different to
The second edition of First Steps in Academic Writing , by Ann Hogue, provides high-beginning to low-intermediate students with essential tools to master basic academic writing. The text's time-pro