《边学边用:华语听说教材》是针对以普通话为第二语言 / 外语人士的特点和需要编写的系列普通话口语教材。教材取材於普通话母语人士的口语对话,帮助学习者学习普通话,在日常生活或专业领域学以致用。“Chinese (Putonghua) in Communication” is a series of spoken Putonghua textbooks designed for learners st
內容簡介《邊學邊用︰粵語聽說教材》是為非華語母語背景的學習者編寫的以粵語作為二語學習的系列教材。本書課本內容取材自生活場景,提供常用詞彙,並附上活學活用的練習,讓學習者能在日常生活中靈活使用粵語。“Cantonese in Communication” is a series of textbooks designed for learners learning Cantonese as a se
《邊學邊用:華語聽說教材》是針對以普通話為第二語言/外語人士的特點和需要編寫的普通話口語系列教材。教材取材于普通話母語人士的口語對話,説明學習者學習普通話,在日常生活或專業領域學以致用。“Chinese(Putonghua)in Communication” is a series of spoken Putonghua textbooks designed for learners studyi
The third edition of the "Chinese Made Easy" is written for primary 5 or 6 students and secondary school and university students who are learning Chinese as a foreign/second language.The primary goal