相褒歌,早期台灣於茶園地區採茶時解悶的即興傳唱歌謠,後來民間生活種種也成為題材,抒發男女心聲,甚至常有互相數落、戲謔的內容,率性而質樸。相褒歌通常七字一句,四句一段。可獨唱,也可男女對唱。本書採集了萬里、金山、石門等地的相褒歌,除了台語歌詞外,還有注解、釋義、賞析,並錄製當地耆老吟唱的相褒歌附錄於書中的 QR code 中!
本書在自然與身體感受性的脈絡下,思考禮儀中的象徵在修身及教化中所扮演的關鍵地位。本書溯源到文化源頭的先秦、兩漢時期,說明自然節氣如何影響身體經驗,在對天道的體察中,從而形構物的象徵與身體隱喻。本書透過秦漢禮儀中象徵的細部分析,說明象徵符號與自我的形構、身心轉化,人我關係定義以及倫理的秩序有密不可分的關係。「象徵」既反映著自然風土與物之質性,同時也反映著不同的地方文化所形成的文化心理及身體經驗。修身與教化的理想在體察自然節氣和風土、透過象徵以調節人情中亦得到實踐。This book investigates the key role of symbolism in self-cultivation and moral education in the context of nature and bodily senses. Through detailed analysis of symbols in the etiquette of Qin and Han China, this book illustrates the inseparable relationship between symbolism and self-construction, transformation of body and mind, the definition of human-self relationship, and the order of ethics. “Symbol” not only reflects the landscapes and things, but also reflects the cultural psychology and physical experience formed by different local knowledge. The practice of self-cultivation and morality is also in the process of interpreting nature and regulating human sentiments through symbols.