MATLAB examples found throughout the bookNumerical simulation helps students understand theory•MATLAB 2.3 shows when connecting wire must be treated as transmission line. The student can see WHY the T-Line model is required, rather than just accepting some minimum length criteria on faith.•In MATLAB example 8.4, a movie is created showing the radiation pattern from a dipole antenna as its length changes.Many homework problems draw on the MATLAB examplesSimulations can point out when ideal theory can be applied to actual situations•In MATLAB problem 2.18, students are asked to compare the field from a segment of charge to the field from an infinite length line of charge. The problem is similar to MATLAB example 2.3, so the programming is not difficult. Students are able to see that theory for an unrealistic infinite line can be put into practice in some situations.Example Problems•Students see the detailed steps needed to solve typical problemsDrill Problems•Simple problems reinforce pr
作者有累積多年在電磁干擾量測與電磁調合方面的工作經驗,全書以Q/A方式書寫計一千題,共分為八大章從1.基礎理論應用分析2.結合、濾波、接地、隔離防制工作3.電路版電磁干擾防制4.元件、模組、電路電磁干擾防制5.裝備系統電磁干擾分析與防制6.輻射傷害7.量測儀具、設施、方法8.量測誤差9. 5G vs H.F.I.M.。此版新增第九章關於5G的認知與高頻電路阻抗匹配的重要性。內容深入淺出結合理論與實