《愛美麗華語II》簡易閱讀版是一本容易自學或教學的兩用書,這本書簡潔易學生動有趣,內容貼近真實生活,並以學習者觀點設計活潑的練習題型,學習上輕鬆愉快無壓力;且便於隨身攜帶的設計。這本活潑有趣的《愛美麗華語II》共十個主題,每一課含生詞,課文及練習共三部分,適用每次五十分鐘的課程,全書學習時數(含練習與複習)依教學進度或自學者學習程度約30至50小時。本書學習對象不限,未具備華語文學習經驗者,可在此書習得基礎會話;已具備基礎會話者,可提升自我在華語文領域的運用能力。“LOVEmily Mandarin Chinese II” is a Mandarin Chinese book, which is easy to use for either self-learning or teaching Mandarin. “LOVEmily Mandarin Chinese II” has interesting content relevant to real life scenarios and fun, lively exercises written from the learner’s perspective. “LOVEmily Mandarin Chinese II” contains 10 lessons, each with a specific topic. Each lesson includes reading, vocabulary and exercises. The core of each lesson is designed to take about 50 minutes. Including the additional exercises and review time for each lesson, the learner will take 30-50 hours to finish the entire book. This book is suitable for all ages. Beginners will find that it is a gentle introduction to Mandarin with basic reading that can be used in daily life, and mor
本書旨在幫助學習者準備GCSE/IGCSE漢語作為外語考試。練習涵蓋了不同考試局考試大綱所需的主題、核心詞彙和語法點。通過活動和練習題,增強學生的漢語核心技能,全面備考以取得優異的中文考試成績。 特色:u 分類複習漢語詞彙,鞏固漢字和詞彙知識;練習各種漢字,並通過聽、說、讀、寫活動來建立對語言的信心。u 每章開頭的使用者指南中會提供對練習和活動的詳細說明。u 特別設置了針對不同題型、不同難度的練習,幫助教師進行差異化練習。基於腳手架和自我評估的設計,為學生提供寫作草稿的版式、練習檢查清單和提示,以建立他們的學習者檔案並跟蹤他們的學習進度。 This book is designed to help learners to prepare for their GCSE/IGCSE Chinese as a foreign language exam. The exercises cover the topics, core vocabulary and grammar points required from the different exam specifications. By working on activities and practising exam type questions, students build up strong key Chinese language skills, and fully prepare for achieving their best potential in the exam.Features:Revise Chinese vocabulary in chunks to consolidate Chinese written characters and vocabulary knowledge; practise the varied characters, and listening, reading, speaking and writing activities to build confidence with the language.Detailed instructions
本書是為IBDP認識論(TOK)課程編寫的教材,旨在探究知識的本質特徵,理解不同知識領域之間的區別與聯繫,通過探究知識的來源和認識者獲取知識的過程,幫助學習者打通各個學科的邊界,實現跨學科的理解。 特色:結合大綱:以知識框架為工具,對核心主題、選修主題和知識領域進行深入探索。探究學習:精心設計富有意義的討論活動和知識問題,啟發學生的學習思路。聯繫現實:提供實例,鼓勵學生以12個核心概念對知識進行深度比較和整體性反思。評估演練:解析評估標準,提供評估任務指引和相應練習。 This textbook is specifically designed for the instruction of IBDP TOK course. It aims to explore the essential characteristics of knowledge, understand the differences and connections of different areas of knowledge, and assist learners to transcend the boundaries of various disciplines and realize interdisciplinary understanding by exploring the source of knowledge and the process of knowledge acquisition.Closely related to the outline: Deeply explore the core theme, optional themes and areas of knowledge based on knowledge framework.Inquiry-based study: Design meaningful discussion activities and knowledge questions to inspire learners’ study.Connected to reality: Provide authentic cases to encourage learners to make in-depth comparis