適用中級華語文學習者。全書編纂中英文,文辭深入淺出,引經據典,出處可尋,巨細糜遺,是洋學生學習中華古文名句的濫觴。也是當代華語文教材中,古文學習最充實、簡易實用,值得採用的一部教本。──前國立臺灣師範大學國語文中心主任 葉德明教授前國立臺灣師範大學國語文中心主任 葉德明政大華語文碩博士學位學程講座教授 顧百里國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系教授 曾金金◎聯合推薦這是一本適用於英語國家的漢語課程或通識教育文化課程的教科書,也是提供全球所有漢語非母語的學習者(CSL-Chinese as Second Language Learners)「自學」關於中華儒家文化的引導書籍。本書從中華民族兩千五百年傳統的聖經──《論語》中擷取簡單的「古名言」為主題,使有志學習華語者能更早地了解雋永精湛的文言與中國文化精髓。全書共十章,包括《論語》中的孝、朋友、君子或小人、學習、禮、快樂、音樂、仁愛、道德、政治等名句。每章名句逐字白話翻譯,再連結成句,譯英舉例。並加註生詞的拼音、詞類、例句練習、短篇孔子生平故事。而每章特色:包括【短篇評論】提供古今中外核心價值比較;【ACTFL OPI 模式的模擬口試】提供口語練習的話題實例以及角色扮演等活動;【生詞的延伸學習】以TOCFL 和 HSK 詞彙做整理;【漢字之美】以篆、隸、草、行、楷等五種書法字體呈現的漢字之美;【活動設計和討論話題教案】為老師們建議各種相關的語言學習活動和實用課程討論;【美國總統引用中文古名言實例】藉此呈現及加深中華名句的使用價值。
The learning goals that center on the thematic units are set in accordance with the language proficiency levels, established by the ACTFL˙To Comply with the pedagogical principle of backward design to establish the teaching/learning goals for the intermediate learner of Chinese˙Integrates into its thematic contents the ACTFL-defined, three mores of language uses as well the 5C concepts˙Assist the learner to achieve holistic progress and to cultivate specific linguistic abilities of Chinese˙The selecting of keywords/phrases in thetextbooks is greatly in line with vocabulary levels defined by the HSK and by the TOCFL. The regional difference in language uses between the two sides of theTaiwan Strait are also meticulously annotated in the textbooks In recent years, the background of learners has become diversified, and the number of self-study students of elementary Chinese is also increasing. On the pedagogical front, however, learning materials, found to be biased towards school l
本書特色南台灣必遊景點 Nine Things One Must Experience in Southern Taiwan藉由夜生活、藝術文創、客家文化、靜心之旅、海洋之美、原民文化、古蹟及生態之旅與台灣茶飲等九大主題,暢遊南台灣必遊景點。The nine main things one must experience in southern Taiwan are: nightlife activities, art, Hakka culture, places suitable for tranquility and meditation, beautiful ocean views, aboriginal cultures, historic sites, ecological tours, and Taiwanese tea culture. 實用句型及詞彙 Useful Sentence Patterns and Vocabulary依各單元主題,整理出最精華的句型及詞彙,讓學習者運用基本句型,替換詞彙,旅遊時能馬上派上用場。Each unit deals with the most essential sentence patterns and vocabulary, so the reader can master basic sentence patterns and vocabulary substitution drills. These grammar exercises can be used immediately when traveling. 文化導覽深度遊In-depth Guided Cultural Tours針對各單元內容,延伸相關文化知識,滿足學習者需求,深度了解當地風土民情。Each unit provides knowledge relevant to the needs of travelers, promoting a deeper understanding of local customs and cultures. 文化體驗動手做 Hands-on Cultural Experiences透過實際活動操作,讓您更深入體驗當地的人文精神。例如 : 泡茶、書法體驗、彩繪紙傘、手作琉璃串珠